Ashley Miranda Ingiosi, PhD

2021 K99/R00 Awardee
Photo of Ashley Ingiosi, 2021 BRAIN K99/R00 Awardee
Washington State University
Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Ashley Ingiosi is a postdoctoral fellow at Washington State University. She received BS degrees in Biopsychology and Cognitive Science as well as General Biology from the University of Michigan. Dr. Ingiosi completed her PhD in Neuroscience with Dr. Mark Opp at the University of Michigan where she studied astroglial- and neuronal-specific contributions to sleep and neuroinflammation. Her postdoctoral research with Dr. Marcos Frank focuses on understanding the role of astroglial calcium activity in sleep and sleep homeostasis. Through her BRAIN Initiative project, Dr. Ingiosi will seek to understand how astrocytes and neurons interact to regulate sleep using a multifaceted approach that includes in vivo calcium imaging, optogenetics, electrophysiology, and proteomics. Overall, Dr. Ingiosi aims to characterize the contribution of non-neuronal cells in the regulation of sleep-wake behavior to better understand physiological and disordered sleep.


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