Have you read the latest BRAIN Initiative Alliance newsletter? BRAIN scientists are invited to share their tools with the scientific community in the Toolmakers Newsletter. These newsletters spotlight BRAIN Initiative investigators with tools, technologies, and theories ready for distribution to the research community to advance neurotechnology.
The BRAIN Initiative® Alliance (BIA) released its third Toolmakers Newsletter of 2022! The current issue showcases four more neuroscience programs and tools to discuss how they began, what they’re doing for the neuroscience community, and to give some insight on what the researchers hope to achieve:
NeuroNex: Cornell by Dr. Joe Fetcho, Dr. Chris Xu, and Dr. Chunyan Wu, a program that uses new tools and technologies to achieve next generation optical microscopy for deeper, wider, and faster brain imaging.
NeuroNex: Bioluminescence Hub by Dr. Christopher Moore, a suite of tools that help expand access and promote new ways of using bioluminescence across neuroscience.
Open Ephys Graphical User Interface (GUI) by Dr. Josh Siegle, software used for electrophysiology data acquisition that is open-source, plugin-based, and cross-platform.
Michigan µLED Probes by Dr. Euisik Yoon and Dr. Roberto Lopez, micro-LED optoelectrodes that can record at high densities and resolution with precise optical stimulation.
Check out the current issue here! All newsletters can be found here in BIA News!
Are you a BRAIN researcher with a resource ready to share? Fill out the web form for your tool to be considered for the BIA’s Toolmakers’ Resources webpage and a chance to be featured in a future newsletter!