BRAIN Initiative at LabRoots’ 7th Annual Neuroscience Virtual Conference on March 13-14, 2019

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The virtual conference, featuring multiple NIH BRAIN speakers and BRAIN-funded investigators, addresses the role of the brain and nervous system at multiple levels of observation, from molecular to functional, and the neuroethical implications of this cutting-edge work.

NIH BRAIN speakers and BRAIN-funded investigators will be presenting at LabRoots’ 7th Annual Neuroscience Virtual Conference, broadcasting live for free on March 13-14, 2019. The theme of this year’s event is the Biological Basis of Behavior. Using approaches that range from biological to computational, the conference will address the role of the brain and nervous system at multiple levels of observation, from molecular to functional.

Over the two-day conference, three sessions will provide an extensive exploration of causes and correlations. Additionally, the application of cutting-edge technologies will be assessed. Session topics include: NIH BRAIN Funding Opportunities, BRAIN Initiative Scientific Updates, Neuroethics, Innovative Neurotechnologies, and more.

NIH BRAIN speakers will include:

  • Dr. Joshua Gordon, Director, National Institute of Mental Health
  • Dr. Karen David, Program Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
  • Dr. Jim Gnadt, Program Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
  • Dr. Nick Langhals, Program Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
  • Dr. Khara Ramos, Director, Neuroethics Program, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
  • Dr. Saskia Hendriks, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Bioethics, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health

BRAIN-funded investigator speakers will include:

  • Dr. Michael Beauchamp, Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
  • Dr. Elizabeth Buffalo, Professor, University of Washington
  • Dr. György Buzsáki, Biggs Professor of Neuroscience, NYU School of Medicine
  • Dr. Jennifer Collinger, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh
  • Dr. Bijan Pesaran, Associate Professor of Neural Science, New York University
  • Dr. Nader Pouratian, Assistant Professor, UCLA Medical Center & UCLA Brain Research Institute
  • Dr. R. Mark Richardson, Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh
  • Dr. Ueli Rutishauser, Associate Professor, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
  • Dr. Sameer Sheth, Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine

For more information and to register, please visit:

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black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting