Join us today for a virtual event that will bring together NIH BRAIN program staff, BRAIN-funded investigators, and others in the neuroscience community to discuss the latest advances in understanding the human brain, neuropsychiatric disorders, and behavioral processes as they relate to brain function.
Labroots is hosting its 10th Annual Neuroscience Virtual Conference with featured presentations from individuals in cross-cutting fields in neuroscience, including neurologists, top scientists, clinicians, leading industry and academia institutions, healthcare professionals and research scholars. The one-day event will take place today (March 10, 2022) from 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (EST).
The agenda, organized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative team and planning committee members, promises to carry forward Labroots’ annual tradition of bringing inspired ideas in neuroscience to the forefront while exchanging new data and innovative approaches through its virtual stage.
Conference highlights at a glance include:
Keynote delivery: “Modulation of the CSPG Receptor PTPσ to Enhance Neurorepair,” presented by Dr. Marc DePaul, Director of Research, NervGen Pharma, followed by lively Q&A with participating attendees.
Keynote delivery: “Getting Into the Brain: The Ethics of Invasive Human Neuroscience Research,” led by Dr. Ashley Feinsinger, Adjunct Professor, Department of Medicine and Philosophy, UCLA, followed by lively Q&A with participating attendees.
More than ten talks comprising topics such as neuroethics, cognitive and executive functions, technologies and brain computer interfaces, and fundamental disease mechanisms will comprise the NIH BRAIN Initiative session: Human Neuroscience and the Cross-Cutting Impact of Scientific Collaboration.
In addition to presentations, the Labroots virtual platform encompasses an interactive poster hall, live chat, exhibit hall, networking lounge, and opportunities for Continuing Education credit.
The event is free, and registration is open to anyone! Register here. For more information and the full agenda, check out the Labroots event website.