The two re-issued funding opportunities support both small targeted projects and large, team-research projects. They encourage the utilization of innovative tools, diverse species, and comparative approaches.
The funding opportunities (NOFOs) featured below aim to advance our understanding of the neural circuit basis of perception, emotion, cognition, and other types of behavior by using cutting-edge technologies. The awards range from small, targeted brain circuit projects with specific research outcomes (R34, R01) to large, team-research projects that are exploratory (U01) or with extensive long-term goals (U19). All proposed projects should use innovative tools to examine the neural circuitry of cognitive processes, such as sensation, perception, emotion, decision-making, and/or navigation. The use of diverse species and comparative approaches is welcomed, and approaches that merge with the cellular, genetic and technological methodologies developed by the NIH BRAIN Initiative are encouraged.
RFA-NS-21-014 Targeted BRAIN Circuits Planning Projects – TargetedBCPP (Reissue of RFA-NS-18-014; R34)
This NOFO solicits applications designed to establish feasibility, validity, or other technical results that would lay the foundation for a potential subsequent Targeted BRAIN Circuits Projects – TargetedBCP R01, as described in the companion NOFO below. Applications should include exploratory research projects that use methodologically-integrated approaches to study the neural circuitry of cognition and behavior.
RFA-NS-21-013 Targeted BRAIN Circuits Projects – TargetedBCP (Reissue of RFA-NS-18-030; R01)
This NOFO supports projects that use innovative approaches to understand how neural circuit activity gives rise to cognition and behavior, as detailed above. Proposed experiments should address questions of fundamental neurobiology and identify, record, and/or manipulate neural circuits involved in behavior. The goal is to fund projects that can significantly advance our knowledge of circuit function within five years.
The application receipt dates for both NOFOs are July 7, 2021 and November 10, 2021.