The fourth meeting of the Multi-Council Working Group for the NIH BRAIN Initiative provided feedback on concepts for new funding opportunity proposals for fiscal year 2017, introduced the possibility of a new federal partner, addressed neuroethical plans, and contemplated the long-term future of the Initiative.
Continuing to provide oversight of the long-term scientific vision of The BRAIN Initiative® at NIH, on February 8, 2016, the Multi-Council Working Group (MCWG) members once again met with directors and staff from the 10 NIH Institutes and Centers supporting the initiative. The MCWG meeting was videocast from an off-campus NIH building, and included presentations from NIH staff and MCWG members, as well as co-leads of the new neuroethics workgroup for the initiative. Following updates on NIH’s activities to support BRAIN and to collaborate with outside groups, numerous new funding opportunity concepts were discussed following a brief overview of the current scientific portfolio. The MCWG provided feedback and insights to help teams of scientific program staff refine ideas for 6 potential Requests for Applications (RFAs) for FY 2017. Additionally, Drs. Cori Bargmann (MCWG member from Rockefeller University) and Roderic Pettigrew (Director of NIBIB) explained the potential for a BRAIN partnership between NIH and the US Department of Energy, pending FY 17 budget decisions. Finally, the neuroethics workgroup sought suggestions for where to focus their efforts in the coming years.
The fifth NIH BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group meeting will occur in early August of 2016.
NIH BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group members, Institute/Center Directors, non-government representatives, and staff discuss how best to ensure the success of the initiative in Fiscal Year 2017 and beyond.