Funding opportunities for analyzing, archiving, and modeling brain data

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Interested in data mining, analysis, or theory? Check out these R01 funding opportunities for novel ways to analyze, archive, and computationally model BRAIN Initiative data.

Driven by recent technological innovations, the NIH BRAIN Initiative and the field of neuroscience as a whole are generating enormous, complex datasets that span modalities, spatiotemporal scales, and species. To efficiently manage and utilize these rich data, BRAIN has reissued several funding opportunities focused on analyzing and interpreting neural data. These awards encourage collaborations between neuroscientists and scientists from other disciplines, including statistics, engineering, and computer science.

RFA-MH-21-135 Integration and Analysis of BRAIN Initiative Data (Reissue of RFA-MH-19-147; R01)

This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) solicits applications to develop user-friendly software to analyze, visualize, and integrate data in support of BRAIN’s ongoing effort to build an informatics infrastructure. As part of this large infrastructure (supported by RFA-MH-20-128 and RFA-MH-20-600), awardees are expected to integrate data visualization and analysis tools into data repositories. Applications are due on October 15, 2021, and June 10, 2022.

RFA-MH-21-130 Secondary Analysis and Archiving of BRAIN Initiative Data (Reissue of RFA-MH-20-120; R01)

This NOFO supports projects for the secondary analysis or data mining of large datasets related to the NIH BRAIN Initiative. Investigators can propose to enhance the value of existing data by harnessing innovative data analysis methods, data science techniques, and machine learning. These data do not have to be stored in a BRAIN Initiative archive but must be easily accessible to the research community. Applications for this R01 are due on October 7, 2021.

RFA-EB-20-002 Theories, Models, and Methods for Analysis of Complex Data from the Brain (Reissue of RFA-EB-17-005; R01) has a new receipt date!

This funding opportunity promotes the development of new theories, computational models, and analytical tools. Proposed projects can develop tools to integrate existing theories and conceptual frameworks; multiscale/ multiphysics models that link neural mechanisms to behavior; or new platforms using machine-driven knowledge integration to support or refute a hypothesis or theory about brain function. Please view the NOFO for specific topics. Applications should include plans for dissemination to the research community. Applications are due on September 14, 2021.

For more funding opportunities related to data analysis, archiving, and theory, check out our prior blog post.

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black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting