New and Re-issued Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2016 Explore Non-Invasive Neuromodulation and Revisit Large-Scale Recording and Modulation, expanding BRAIN Initiative programs for 2016

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NIH has issued additional Requests for Applications (RFAs) for the BRAIN Initiative that address critical components of the BRAIN 2025 Report due to their focus on tool development and mechanistic understanding of non-invasive neuromodulation techniques. Further, a re-issued opportunity expands support of early-stage research in large-scale recording and modulation. For the full list of BRAIN Initiative active funding announcements for fiscal year 2016, please visit our Active Funding Opportunities page. 

NIH recently released three additional notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for fiscal year 2016 to support work in the BRAIN Initiative. Two new NOFOs support research in non-invasive neuromodulation – either through development of new tools or improving understanding of current devices. A third NOFO, which is re-issued from fiscal year 2015, provides researchers another opportunity to submit projects that advance neuroscience through new concepts for technologies related to large-scale recording and modulation. Note that international organizations are welcome to submit applications to these NOFOs.

The first two announcements, RFA-MH-16-810 and companion announcement RFA-MH-16-815, address non-invasive neuromodulation. MH-16-810 supports the development and testing of novel tools and methods of neuromodulation that go beyond the existing variations on magnetic or electrical stimulation, and that represent more than an incremental advance over existing approaches. Conversely, MH-16-815 seeks projects to better understand how existing non-invasive neuromodulation devices interact with brain activity for modulatory effects. This information should shed light on dose/response relationships that could be used for neuroscience applications and clinical interventions. The receipt date for these RFAs is February 18, 2016.

The third announcement, RFA-EY-16-001 is a re-issue of EY-15-001 for unique and innovative technologies that are in an even earlier stage of development than that sought in other NOFOs, including new and untested ideas related to large-scale recording and modulation that are in the initial stages of conceptualization. This NOFO supports work that enables calculations, simulations, computational models, or other mathematical techniques for demonstrating that signal sources and/or measurement technologies are theoretically capable of meeting the demands of large-scale recording or manipulation of circuit activity in humans or in animal models. The receipt date for this RFA is March 15, 2016.

Please visit our Active Funding Opportunities page for more details on these and other RFAs for the BRAIN Initiative. We anticipate that several other NOFOs will be issued in the near future.

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black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting