The NIH BRAIN Initiative at SfN’s Global Connectome Virtual Event on January 11-13, 2021

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Please join us next week for a host of BRAIN Initiative activities at the Society for Neuroscience virtual event, including socials, posters, a virtual booth, and a chance to chat with BRAIN staff. 

This year is off to a great start for the NIH BRAIN Initiative, following the announced budget increase in funding. Next week, we’re excited to participate in the SfN Global Connectome: A Virtual Event! The brand-new, cross-cutting virtual event is designed to facilitate scientific exchange across the field, providing scientists at all career stages and disciplines with opportunities to learn, collaborate, and connect. It will take place on January 11-13th, with dedicated programming from 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM EST each day.

Here, we highlight BRAIN-related activities scheduled for the digital event. The socials and one-on-one chats will take place on Zoom so be sure to sign up for a free account beforehand.

Virtual Events and Socials

Registration for the following events is free and you do not need to be registered for the SfN Global Connectome event to attend!

COVID and the Nervous System: A Chat with NIH
Monday, January 11 from 3:30  4:30 PM (EST)

During this social, NIH Blueprint Institute representatives will discuss the effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the nervous system and the effects of COVID-19 and the pandemic on those with neurological, mental health, or substance use disorders. There will be a panel discussion with NIH Institute Directors and other leaders followed by a 30-minute Q&A session during which attendees can ask questions. For more details please visit the event webpage. Register here.

NIH HEAL Initiative Investigator and Trainee Social
Tuesday January 12 from 9:00 – 10:00 AM (EST)

The NIH Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative is designed to stem the opioid and pain crises by promoting collaboration and building the scientific workforce in the pain and addiction research communities. Join Drs. Walter Koroshetz, NINDS Director, and Rebecca Baker, HEAL Director, for an opportunity to learn about HEAL and network with colleagues. To learn more visit the event webpage. Register here.

BRAIN Initiative Alliance Talk to Toolmakers Social
Tuesday, January 12 from 3:30  4:30 PM (EST)

This social will offer a forum for BRAIN Initiative toolmakers to chat about the cutting-edge tools they’ve created, including new electrophysiology probes, optical imaging devices, software, and others. There will be three breakout sessions where attendees can meet toolmakers, ask questions, and identify potential opportunities to collaborate with someone new. For a list of toolmakers and tools view the event webpage. Register here.


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NINDS OPEN Conversations About NIH Diversity Supplements
Wednesday, January 13 from 3:30 – 4:30 PM (EST)

Looking for more information on NIH diversity supplements? Join NINDS program staff to learn about the supplement application, the review process, and best practices in mentoring and career development plans. This social also offers an opportunity for trainees and faculty to network and learn about other NIH diversity funding opportunities. For more details please visit the event webpage. Register here.

Poster Sessions

Two posters will be on display in the virtual poster hall for all three days of the event. You must be registered for the SfN event to view them.

Neuroethics: An Essential Partner to Enhance the NIH BRAIN Initiative
Session: Ethical and Policy Issues in Neuroscience
Poster Number: P395.04
Chat live with presenters on Monday, January 11, 1:30 – 2:00 PM (EST)

Learn about ongoing neuroethics efforts in the BRAIN Initiative, which include dedicated neuroethics funding opportunities, neuroscience-neuroethics collaborations, and strategic planning. Drs. Khara Ramos and Jay Churchill will be available during the presentation time for live chat.  

Dissemination of Neurotechnology Through the BRAIN Initiative®
Session: Innovative Tools For Teaching and Disseminating Neuroscience
Poster Number: P393.15
Chat live with presenters on Tuesday, January 12, 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM (EST)

Learn about the current, numerous methods of BRAIN tool and technology dissemination; funding opportunities for research resource grants in cross-lab technology integration and diversity-focused training opportunities; and a few of the rapidly expanding array of cutting-edge scientific resources available to the entire research community.

We will also have a virtual booth where attendees can chat one-on-one with BRAIN Initiative staff throughout the event. Sign up for a meeting here. Visit the booth to learn about the history of BRAIN, planning for the future of BRAIN, funding opportunities, and other resources.

Registration for the SfN Global Connectome (#SfNConnectome21) is still open! For more information please visit the event website.

Latest from The BRAIN Blog

The BRAIN Blog covers updates and announcements on BRAIN Initiative research, events, and news. 

Hear from BRAIN Initiative trainees, learn about new scientific advancements, and find out about recent funding opportunities by visiting The BRAIN Blog.

black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting