This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) encourages new applications for developing informatics infrastructure for the Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization (BBQS) research program. The next application deadline is June 9, 2023.
The BRAIN Initiative® has recently launched the Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization (BBQS) research program. The program aims to support the development and validation of next-gen tools, methods, and analytic approaches to precisely quantify complex behaviors and combine them with simultaneous recordings of brain activity for understanding of the complex dynamics of the brain-behavior system.
The NIH has recently issued a Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-MH-23-115 to encourage new applications for developing informatics infrastructure for the BBQS program. This NOSI aims to support:
Creation of data archive(s) to store and manage BBQS-relevant data.
Development of computational tools or software for analyzing, visualizing, and integrating BBQS-related data.
Establishment of data standards or ontologies that support the BBQS-related studies.
Applicants planning to apply in response to this NOSI are strongly encouraged to contact and discuss their proposed research plans or aims with the Scientific Contact listed on this NOSI in advance of the application receipt date.
Individuals interested in this opportunity must submit their applications using the following opportunities:
RFA-MH-22-220 - BRAIN Initiative: Integration and Analysis of BRAIN Initiative Data (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
RFA-MH-22-145 - BRAIN Initiative: Standards to Define Experiments Related to the BRAIN Initiative (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
RFA-MH-20-600 - BRAIN Initiative: Data Archives for the BRAIN Initiative (R24 Clinical Trial Optional)
For more information, please review the full NOSI.