This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) encourages the translation of BRAIN Initiative-supported technologies developed by academic and small business sectors for commercial dissemination. The next application deadline is September 5, 2022.
The NIH BRAIN Initiative aims to revolutionize our knowledge of the human brain by accelerating the development of next-generation, innovative technologies. As a result, researchers can decipher the complexity of cells and neural circuit interactions in time and space. While this investment has yielded many advanced neurotechnologies, non-commercial developers such as academic institutions and small business concerns (SBCs) often lack the resources and products to transform their technologies for commercial use. This reissued NOSI (NOT-MH-21-125) is intended to alert SBCs and partnering institutions that there is a need to help move useful BRAIN Initiative-developed technologies and BRAIN Initiative-relevant technologies from non-commercial laboratories into the commercial marketplace. These translational projects can be submitted through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs. SBCs that aim to commercialize technologies related to BRAIN scientific priority areas (as listed in the BRAIN 2025 report) are encouraged to apply.
The NIH also encourages BRAIN Initiative applications from underrepresented investigators in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research workforce (see the most recent National Science Foundation [NSF] report on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering). Such individuals include those from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and individuals with disabilities.
The next application deadline is September 05, 2022. Submit applications using one of the notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs):
PA-22-176 SBIR Clinical Trial Not Allowed
PA-22-178 STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed
For details on the Program Descriptions and Waiver Topics document, visit here. Applicants should consult with Program Staff for further inquiries. Contacts and details on the NOSI can be found at NOT-MH-21-125.