This week, a series of daily blog posts highlight 28 new and reissued BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for 2021. This post overviews five NOFOs aimed to accelerate the use of brain cell census technologies and tools, and promote the development, validation, and dissemination of novel tools for studying cell types and circuits.
Cell Census Research
The first NOFO supports projects under the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN), which broadly aims to generate comprehensive 3D reference brain cell atlases that will integrate molecular, anatomical, functional, and lineage data for describing cell types in mouse, human, and non-human primate brains.
RFA-MH-21-140 BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) Scalable Technologies and Tools for Brain Cell Census (Reissue of RFA-MH-19-148; R01)
This NOFO aims to accelerate the integration and use of scalable technologies and tools to enhance brain cell census research. Funding can support the development of technology platforms and/ or resources that will enable a quick and comprehensive survey of brain cell types and circuits. Tools and technologies of interest can fit into the following themes: molecular profiling, cell morphology, neuron connectivity/ intercellular communication, cell lineage and/ or development. The application receipt date is March 10, 2021.
Tools for Cells and Circuits
The next four awards focus on the development and validation of tools for studying cells and neural circuits that can be widely disseminated to the neuroscience community.
RFA-MH-20-135 Tools to Facilitate High-Throughput Microconnectivity Analysis (Reissue of RFA-MH-18-505; R01)
This NOFO supports the development and validation of tools and resources designed to analyze brain microconnectivity in detail. This award seeks out advancements in both electron microscopy (EM) and super resolution light microscopic approaches. Proposals to develop new and/ or augmented approaches that break through technical barriers to improve current capabilities are highly encouraged. Novel tools should be made broadly accessible to the research community. Applications are due on May 27, 2021.
RFA-MH-19-135 Development of Novel Tools to Probe Cell-Specific and Circuit-Specific Processes in Human and Non-Human Primate Brain (Clinical trial optional; UG3/UH3)
This new NOFO solicits the development and validation of novel, cutting-edge tools to study and manipulate cell types and circuits in large mammal brains. Funding can support initial proof-of-principle studies aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of approaches in humans and other mammals (i.e., non-human primates, sheep, pigs). Research areas applicable to this award range from validating and refining viral gene delivery systems to tracing cell lineage. Please see the NOFO for more examples. Applications are due on May 27, 2021.
RFA-DA-21-006 Tools for Germline Gene Editing in Marmosets (Clinical trial not allowed; U01)
The purpose of this new NOFO is to develop tools and technologies to conduct scientifically rigorous, ethical, efficient, and cost-effective research, as well as develop infrastructure, that supports germline gene editing studies in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Marmosets possess sophisticated cognitive functions and exhibit cooperative social behavior, and now that they can be made amenable to genetic engineering, are well-suited for rigorous research involving the genetic study of behavior and/ or brain disorders. Applications should propose to optimize breeding technologies, develop germline and somatic gene editing tools (e.g., CRE-driver tools, CRISPR), and/ or promote infrastructure to develop and distribute these resources. Please see the NOFO for a full list of relevant research topics. The application receipt date is October 14, 2021.
RFA-MH-20-556 Pilot Resources for Brain Cell Type-Specific Access and Manipulation Across Vertebrate Species (Clinical trial not allowed; U01)
This new NOFO is the first in a series of BRAIN 2.0 transformative projects, which were inspired by recommendations in the BRAIN 2.0 reports. These large-scale projects will build upon the early successes of BRAIN by developing and disseminating resources to the research community. This NOFO is aimed to evaluate molecular or genetic technologies, as well as create pilot production and distribution resources for cell type-specific access and manipulation reagents across vertebrate species. Proposed projects should be scalable, and reagents must enable unique access to many molecularly defined cell types in a complex brain region; be easily produced, disseminated, utilized, and stored; and be catalogued for users in a reference brain cell atlas. Please see the NOFO for additional details. Applications are due on February 11, 2021 and October 19, 2021.
Many NOFOs in the BRAIN Initiative are now subject to a data sharing requirement (see notice NOT-MH-19-010). Please view related notices in each NOFO to see if an award falls under this policy.
Please visit the BRAIN Initiative’s Funding Opportunities webpage for more details on these and other awards. Did you miss earlier posts this week on FY2021 NOFOs? If so, check out the main BRAIN blog page here.