NSF announces FY 15 awards in support of BRAIN Initiative

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NSF issues $13.1 million for 16 new multidisciplinary awards to support BRAIN Initiative

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded 16 grants to multidisciplinary teams from across the U.S. to support potentially transformative research in neural and cognitive systems. Each award brings together scientists and engineers from diverse fields to contribute to The BRAIN Initiative’s goal of answering fundamental questions about the structure and function of the brain. The awards fall within two themes: 1) Neuroengineering and Brain-inspired Concepts and Designs; and 2) Individuality and Variation. Each award provides up to $1 million over a period of two to four years.

In 2014, NSF issued 36 EAGER awards, which provided $300,000 over two years to support BRAIN Initiative projects.

NSF will announce two new BRAIN-related research themes soon, along with a call for new proposals.

Read more about NSF’s support of The BRAIN Initiative and find out more details related to the new awards.

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black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting