Dr. Taylor Webb is a F32 award recipient who used the funding opportunity to study non-invasive, focal treatments for the brain using ultrasound. The F32 funding opportunity supports the research training of promising postdoctorates early in their postdoctoral training period.
The NIH BRAIN Initiative funding portfolio enables the collaborative and multidisciplinary research necessary to help us understand the brain’s complexities. Dr. Taylor Webb (University of Utah) received a BRAIN Initiative F32 Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship award to support his research to study non-invasive, focal treatments of deep brain circuits in awake subjects using ultrasound. The F32 program rewards promising postdoctorates early in their careers by enhancing their research training in project areas that advance the goals of the NIH BRAIN Initiative. This article is part of a series that highlights the careers of NIH BRAIN F32 grantees. The next deadline to apply for an F32 award is August 09, 2023.
In our first video interview of this series, check out our conversation with Dr. Taylor Webb, who discussed his research project and shared words of wisdom on mentorship. Stay tuned for more highlights on BRAIN Initiative award recipients in some exciting, upcoming series on the BRAIN Blog. If you are a BRAIN Initiative F32 fellow and would like to be featured on our blog, let us know by sending an email to BRAINfeedback@nih.gov!