Upcoming Presentations by the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director BRAIN Initiative Working Group 2.0 and BRAIN Neuroethics Subgroup

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The Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) BRAIN Initiative Working Group 2.0 and BRAIN Neuroethics Subgroup (BNS) will present reports of their major findings and analysis during the ACD meeting on June 14, 2019.

After more than a year of hard work and tireless efforts, the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) BRAIN Initiative Working Group 2.0 and BRAIN Neuroethics Subgroup will present reports of their major findings and analysis during Day 2 of the ACD Meeting on June 14, 2019, beginning approximately 10:15 AM Eastern Time. The meeting will take place in Wilson Hall of Building 1 on the main NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland.

Drs. Catherine Dulac (Harvard University) and John Maunsell (University of Chicago), co-chairs of the BRAIN Initiative Working Group 2.0, will present a report of the group’s major findings. The group was charged with providing scientific guidance to the ACD on how best to accomplish the ambitious vision for the BRAIN Initiative first outlined in BRAIN 2025: A Scientific Vision, considering the current state of neuroscience. Through a review of BRAIN progress, workshops and town halls, and opportunities for public input, the Working Group has drafted and will present a report to guide the NIH BRAIN Initiative during the second half of its tenure.

Drs. Jim Eberwine (University of Pennsylvania) and Jeff Kahn (Johns Hopkins University), co-chairs of the BRAIN Neuroethics Subgroup (BNS), will also present a report of their group’s major findings. The BNS was charged with developing a Neuroethics Roadmap for the NIH BRAIN Initiative, characterizing the neuroethical implications that may arise as BRAIN Initiative advancements move forward.

Videocast of the meeting will be broadcast live and archived for later viewing.

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black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting