The Brain Connectivity Workshop Series Town Hall

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 | 12:00 - 3:00 PM
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative and the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science co-hosted a town hall meeting on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from 12:00 – 3:00 pm ET.

The meeting marked the conclusion of the NIH-DOE Brain Connectivity Workshop Series that explored the state of the art in brain connectomics, as well as the challenges and opportunities ahead in mapping mammalian brains at scale.

Researchers from all disciplines with expertise in a topic relevant to mapping brain microconnectivity were invited to attend, as well as other key stakeholders including researchers in academia and industry, clinicians, representatives from scientific societies and advocacy organizations, and interested members of the public.

Agenda: [Download PDF version - 266 KB]

Post Event Summary

This virtual town hall was recorded and can be accessed using NIH Videocast.

A report summarizing the discussion(pdf, 1480 KB) across the workshop series is available.