SAVE THE DATE: 2020 Virtual Workshop Advancing Technologies to Investigate Mechanisms of Gut-Microbiota-Brain Interaction

October 23, 2020
A confocal image of sparse GCaMP6f-expressing Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellum resembles the industrious contours of pre-dawn commuters with the NIH BRAIN Initiative logo overlaid.

The goal of the workshop is to identify opportunities garnered through innovative technologies from The BRAIN Initiative® and gut-microbiome fields to accelerate mechanistic research on how gut-microbiota affects the function of brain circuits involved in complex behaviors, including those associated with mental illnesses. The workshop will discuss the latest findings relevant to mechanisms and pathways of the gut microbiota-brain interaction and applications of new technologies toward advancing this field of research.


Registration will be open soon and the final agenda and Zoom details will be provided closer to the meeting date.