Funded Awards

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative funds a wide-variety of research: toolmakers, trainees, individual labs testing new hypotheses, and large, team-based efforts aiming to catalyze neuroscience inquiry forward. Explore NIH BRAIN Initiative funded awards listed below. Click on the project title to learn more about it within NIH RePORTER.

To see more NIH-funded awards and associated publications, please visit the NIH RePORTER

Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunity #
TitleHigh-speed volumetric imaging of neural activity throughout the living brain
Na Ji
university of california berkeley
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
To understand how the brain computes, we need to understand how individual neurons in a circuit integrate their numerous inputs into output signals, as well as how they work together to encode a sensory input or execute a motor command in a behaving animal.
TitleImaging Human Brain Function with Minimal Mobility Restrictions
Michael Garwood
university of minnesota
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), by offering the sole means of imaging human brain structure and activity with high spatial resolution, has evolved into an indispensable tool for studying brain function in health and disease.
TitleImpact of cortical feedback on odor concentration change coding
Roman Shusterman, Matthew C Smear
university of oregon
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
ABSTRACT Top-down feedback connections between “higher” and “lower” brain areas are quite common, but their functional role remains a mystery. This general principle applies to the olfactory system, in which the olfactory bulb receives dense feedback innervation from its cortical targets.
TitleImpact of Timing, Targeting, and Brain State on rTMS of Human and Non-Human Primates
Marc A Sommer
duke university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Non-invasive methods for stimulating the human brain show great promise for safe, effective treatments of psychiatric and motor disorders, and are in widespread use for basic research on human behavior and cognition.
TitleIntegrated compressive sensing microscope for high-speed functional biological imaging
Sang Peter Chin
boston university (charles river campus)
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Direct readout of spiking and subthreshold voltage activity from genetically-specified neural populations will facilitate major advances in our understanding of neural computation at the network level.
TitleIntegrative Analysis of Long-range Top-down Cortical Circuit for Attentional Behavior
Hirofumi Morishita
icahn school of medicine at mount sinai
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Attention deficit symptoms are frequently observed in psychiatric disorders, yet finite understanding of the neural circuits mediating attentional behavior has limited pathophysiologic insight.
TitleIntegrative approach to classifying neuronal cell types of the mouse hippocampus
Hong-Wei Dong, Li I Zhang
university of southern california
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Identifying the diversity of cell types in the nervous system will allow for their selective manipulation and reveal their functional contributions in health and disease.
TitleIntraoperative studies of flexible decision-making
Gordon H Baltuch, Joshua I Gold
university of pennsylvania
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/Abstract Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure that is used to treat the debilitating symptoms of Parkinson's Disease (PD).
TitleInvestigating information processing in parallel circuits that link external chemical signals to social behavior
Julian P Meeks
ut southwestern medical center
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/Abstract The goal of this exploratory research project is to improve understanding about the mechanisms by which mammalian neural circuits decode environmental chemosensory information and use that information to support survival and reproduction.
TitleInvestigating the Role of Neurotensin on Valence Assignment During Associative Learning in the Basolateral Amygdala
Jacob Michael Olson
massachusetts institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Learned associations between environmental stimuli and organism-effecting outcomes guide adaptive behavior. When healthy, this process results in increased rewards and decreased harm.
TitleLarge-scale analysis of functional synapses during circuit plasticity with novel optogenetic sensors
Karen Zito
university of california at davis
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
One of the major challenges in neuroscience is to understand the experience-dependent mechanisms that drive the changes in neural circuits that underlie complex behaviors, and how these mechanisms are altered in disease.
TitleLarge-scale monitoring of sensory transformations in the mammalian olfactory system
Shawn Denver Burton
university of utah
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY How information is transformed as it propagates through a neural circuit remains an outstanding question of modern neuroscience.
TitleLow cost, fully implantable wireless optoeletronic devices for optogenetics research
Roozbeh Ghaffari
neurolux, inc.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary / Abstract The methods of optogenetics enable light-induced, area-confined stimulation or inhibition of genetically targeted neurons, thereby bypassing key disadvantages of electrical approaches. As a result, optogenetics is now widely viewed as an essential tool in neuroscience res
Alison L Barth
carnegie-mellon university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
ABSTRACT We will use our expertise in somatosensory organization and plasticity to develop novel and automated solutions for cell identification based upon neural activity, in order to decode the algorithms neural circuits use for information processing.
TitleMechanism and dosimetry exploration in transcranial electrical stimulation using magnetic resonance current mapping methods.
Rosalind J Sadleir
arizona state university-tempe campus
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Abstract Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) methods, principally transcranial direct current simulation (tDCS) and transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) are neuromodulation techniques that have been the subject of great recent interest.
TitleMechanisms of neural circuit dynamics in working memory anddecision-making
Carlos D Brody, Mark S Goldman, Jonathan William Pillow, Hyunjune Sebastian Seung, David W Tank, Samuel Sheng-Hung Wang, Ilana Witten
princeton university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Working memory, the ability to temporarily hold multiple pieces of information in mind for manipulation, is central to virtually all cognitive abilities.
TitleMechanistic dissection of the neural basis of the resting-state fMRI signal using multi-modal approaches
Patrick James Drew, Nanyin Zhang
pennsylvania state university, the
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary The primary goal of this application is to elucidate the neural basis of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) signal using multi-modal approaches including multi-echo (ME)- rsfMRI, MR-compatible calcium signal recording, optogenetics and multi-laminar electrop
TitleMethodologically-Integrated Approaches Linking Cell Types to Neural Circuits and Function
Edward M Callaway
salk institute for biological studies
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Understanding the circuit mechanisms that give rise to perception and behavior requires linking neuronal activity to connectivity. This can be accomplished at multiple scales and ideally can be related to further studies using activity manipulations to demonstrate causality.
David Alan Feinberg, Chunlei Liu, Pratik Mukherjee, Kawin Setsompop, Lawrence L Wald
university of california berkeley
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
SUMMARY The overarching objective of our proposal is to bring noninvasive human brain imaging into the microscale (50-500 micron isotropic) resolution in order to create a tool for studies of neuronal circuitry and network organization in the human brain.
TitleMulti-context software for robust and reproducible neuroscience image analysis
Xenophon Papademetris, Dustin Scheinost
yale university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary (Abstract) The goal of this application is to develop, test, and disseminate multi-context (command line, desktop, server, and web applications) software for robust and reproducible neuroscience image analysis from data across mul- tiple scales (two photon microscopy, mesoscale Ca2+
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