Funded Awards

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative funds a wide-variety of research: toolmakers, trainees, individual labs testing new hypotheses, and large, team-based efforts aiming to catalyze neuroscience inquiry forward. Explore NIH BRAIN Initiative funded awards listed below. Click on the project title to learn more about it within NIH RePORTER.

To see more NIH-funded awards and associated publications, please visit the NIH RePORTER

Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunity #
TitleNeural mechanisms of multisensory auditory-olfactory integration in the auditory cortex
Nathan Vogler
university of pennsylvania
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Living organisms interact with complex environments that are inherently multisensory. Within these environments, the brain must integrate information from multiple sensory modalities, including the auditory and olfactory systems, for perception and behavior.
TitleNeural Mechanisms of Transcranial Current Stimulation
Bart Krekelberg, Pierre- Olivier Polack
rutgers the state univ of nj newark
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Transcranial current stimulation (TCS) creates small electrical fields in the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp.
TitleNeuroJSON - A Scalable, Searchable and Verifiable Neuroimaging Data Platform
Qianqian Fang
northeastern university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Traditional file-based neuroimaging data management and integration strategies have shown increasing limitations in accommodating the meteoric growth in both the scale and complexity of today’s neuroimaging data.
TitleNIPreps: integrating neuroimaging preprocessing workflows across modalities, populations, and species
Oscar Esteban, Michael Peter Milham, Russell A Poldrack, Ariel Shalom Rokem, Theodore Satterthwaite
stanford university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Despite the rapid advances in the neuroimaging research workflow over the last decade, the enormous variability between and within data types and specimens impedes integrated analyses.
TitleOpenScope: A Platform for High-Throughput and Reproducible Neurophysiology Open to External Scientists to Test Impactful Theories of Brain Function
Christof Koch, Jerome Anthony-Jean Lecoq
allen institute
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project summary Over the past five years, the Allen Institute has built two unique in-house pipelines for in vivo electro- and optical-physiology: together they form the Allen Brain Observatory.
TitleQuantitative Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy for Assessing Human Brain Function
Ulas Sunar
wright state university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Acute brain injuries can lead to secondary brain damage that worsens the outcome. Reduced cerebral blood flow can induce ischemia, while excess blood flow can cause hemorrhage.
TitleRedefine Trans-Neuropsychiatric Disorder Brain Patterns through Big-Data and Machine Learning
Peter V. Kochunov, Paul M Thompson
university of maryland baltimore
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Abstract This application will combine the strengths of two large scale NIH-funded initiatives to understand disorder- related patterns in the human brain: Connectomes Related to Human Disease (CRHD) and Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA).
TitleResolving Spatiotemporal Determinants of Cell Specification in Corticogenesis with Latent Space Methods
Genevieve Lauren Stein-O'brien
johns hopkins university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary High-throughput profiling of hundreds of thousands of cells in the central nervous system (CNS) is currently underway.
TitleRobotically-actuated, low-noise, concurrent TMS-EEG-fMRI system
Chunlei Liu, Michael Lustig, Angel V Peterchev
university of california berkeley
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Abstract The ability to noninvasively modulate and image the brain with spatial and temporal precision is highly desirable for understanding brain circuits in health and disease.
TitleScalable tools for consistent identification of neuronal cell types in mouse and human
Staci A Sorensen, Uygar Sumbul
allen institute
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary The proposed work will address a critical gap in our understanding of neuronal phenotypes and cell types by developing machine learning algorithms and cloud-based software for the integration of multiple modality characterizations large and growing datasets of cortical neurons in mou
TitleSecondary analysis of functional MRI and resting state connectivity in white matter
John C Gore, Bennett A. Landman
vanderbilt university medical center
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Abstract / Summary This proposal aims to perform novel, secondary analyses on large archives of publicly-available fMRI studies in order to quantify the functional characteristics of white matter (WM) and their changes during normal aging and in the progression to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).
TitleSensory motor transformations in human cortex
Richard A Andersen
california institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Abstract: The long-term objective of this application is to understand cortical processing of sensory to motor transformations within the human cerebral cortex. A vast number of computations must be performed to achieve sensory-guided motor control.
TitleSex hormone regulation of Lateral Habenula circuitry for reward and aversion encoding
Brandy A. Briones
university of washington
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary This proposal seeks to investigate sex hormone effects on reward and aversion-related behaviors through mapping of Lateral Habenula (LHb) circuits.
TitleStimulation of novel spinal respiratory circuit to restore breathing in ventilator-dependent patients with SCI.
Daniel Lu
university of california los angeles
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Respiratory failure after spinal cord injury (SCI) impairs the health of the injured patients, and respiratory failure is the leading cause of death in patients with SCI.
TitleStructure and function of spontaneous network activity during circuit formation
Arnaldo Carreira-Rosario
stanford university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Towards the end of nervous system development, neural circuits are extremely plastic. Small perturbations during this time can cause lifelong circuit and behavioral changes.
TitleSWITCH trial: Early feasibility study of Stentrode BCI for augmentative communication
Nicholas Lachlan Opie, Thomas J Oxley, David Francis Putrino, Douglas J Weber
carnegie-mellon university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
7. Project Summary Multiple early feasibility trials in humans have demonstrated that implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) can enable people with severe paralysis to use neural signals to control remote and digital communication technologies, including messaging and email.
TitleThalamocortical Responsive Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Martha J Morrell
neuropace, inc.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary / Abstract Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) is a devastating form of childhood onset epilepsy with cognitive dysfunction and very frequent generalized onset seizures (GOS) often leading to injury.
TitleThe representation and modulation of sensory information in the learning and memory center of the Drosophila brain
Andrew M Davidson
univ of north carolina chapel hill
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
The brain uses the combined physiology of many cells to transform incoming sensory signals into internal representations.
TitleThe role of astrocyte-neuron signaling in closing a critical period required for motor circuit structure, function, and behavior
Sarah D Ackerman
university of oregon
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Significance: Neural circuit assembly requires activity-dependent refinement of circuit architecture (e.g. plasticity) to produce stereotyped behavior.
TitleThin, High-Density, High-Performance, Depth and Surface Microelectrodes for Diagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy
Shadi Dayeh
university of california, san diego
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
ABSTRACT The goal of this project is to significantly advance the field of acute and semichronic epilepsy monitoring using novel, high-resolution electrocorticography (ECoG) record/stimulate grids (4096/256 channels, respectively) and stereoelectroencephalography (sEEG) depth electrodes (120/8 micr
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