Funded Awards

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative funds a wide-variety of research: toolmakers, trainees, individual labs testing new hypotheses, and large, team-based efforts aiming to catalyze neuroscience inquiry forward. Explore NIH BRAIN Initiative funded awards listed below. Click on the project title to learn more about it within NIH RePORTER.

To see more NIH-funded awards and associated publications, please visit the NIH RePORTER

Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunity #
Title Understanding the role of quantitative internal signals in behavioral flexibility
Gaby Maimon
rockefeller university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary / Abstract This grant focuses on how very recent experiences––over the past few seconds to minutes––allow brains to update expectations about the world and then use these expectations to guide behavior.
Title Use of advanced analytics to understand brain-behavior screen media activity relationships in ABCD data
Marc N Potenza, Yihong Zhao
yale university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/Abstract Growing up in a media-saturated world, the current generation of children and adolescents spend on average 6- 9 hours each day on screen media activities (SMAs). Therefore, SMA is a topic of considerable concern in the USA and elsewhere.
Title Using large scale electrophysiology to study the role of midbrain dopamine neurons underlying motivated behaviors
Kurt M Fraser
university of california berkeley
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY A core feature of a number of psychiatric illnesses is the disordered estimation of the predictive relationship between a given cue and an outcome. This failure to appraise and generate appropriate behavioral responses is true for cues that both are rewarding and aversive.
Title Waking up the nervous system: Molecular characterization of neuronal leader cells and their role in brain development
Nicole Ann Aponte-Santiago
university of california, san francisco
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/Abstract Learning how spontaneous neuronal activity shapes embryonic brain development is critical for understanding neurodevelopmental processes, with implications in neurological or neuropsychiatric disorders.
Title 4D Transcranial Acoustoelectric Imaging for High Resolution Functional Mapping of Neuronal Currents
Russell S Witte
university of arizona
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
ABSTRACT The overarching goal of this project is to optimize, validate and implement a revolutionary and safe modality for noninvasive functional imaging of neural currents deep in the human brain through the skull at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution.
Title A Community Framework for Data-driven Brain Transcriptomic Cell Type Definition, Ontology, and Nomenclature
Michael Hawrylycz, Ed Lein, Christopher J Mungall, Helen Elizabeth Parkinson, Richard H Scheuermann
allen institute
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary: A Data-driven Framework for Brain Transcriptomic Cell Type Definition, Ontology, and Nomenclature Defining the complete census of neuronal and non-neuronal cell types in the brain is a major priority for the NIH BRAIN Initiative, since cellular complexity is a major barrier to under
Title A Comparative Framework for Modeling the Low-Dimensional Geometry of Neural Population States
Eva Dyer
georgia institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Advances in neural recording technology now provide access to neural activity at high temporal resolutions, from many brain areas, and during complex and naturalistic behavior.
Title A neuroethological model of sensorimotor processing in animal-animal interactions
Joseph Parker
california institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary  Animals  interact  with  members  of  their  own  or  other  species  in  the  context  of  social  and  defensive  behaviors, predator-­prey relationships and symbiose
Title A new theory of population coding in the cerebellum
Reza Shadmehr
johns hopkins university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
A theory of population coding in the cerebellum In order to move accurately, the brain relies on internal models that predict the sensory consequences of motor commands.
Title A novel approach to analyzing functional connectomics and combinatorial control in a tractable small-brain closed-loop system
John H Byrne, Hillel J Chiel, Elizabeth C Cropper, Cynthia Anne Chestek, Avy Susswein, Peter John Thomas
university of texas hlth sci ctr houston
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
SUMMARY Adaptive behaviors emerge from neuronal networks by dynamically regulating functional connectomes.
Title Accelerating Dissemination of Implantable Neurotechnology for Clinical Research
David Allenson Borton, Timothy Denison, Philip Andrew Starr, Gregory A Worrell
university of california, san francisco
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Summary Invasive neurostimulation is an established technique in the therapy of movement disorders and epilepsy, and shows promise for amelioration of psychiatric and cognitive disorders.
Title Active sensing at the sensory surface: glomerular signals for olfactory navigation by freely-moving mice
Matthew C Smear
university of oregon
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Our senses aren’t passive. Rather, we actively seek relevant information via sampling movements. However, experiments in sensory systems often restrict sampling movements to simplify stimulus delivery and allow large scale imaging and electrophysiology.
Title Activity-dependent mechanisms for memory circuit maturation.
Sarah Leinwand
university of california berkeley
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Adult behavior is the product of neural circuits that have been sculpted during development by genetic programs and experience in the form of neural activity.
Title Adaptive Neurostimulation to Restore Sleep in Parkinson's Disease: An Investigation of STN LFP Biomarkers In Sleep Dysregulation and Repair
Aviva Abosch, Casey Harrison Halpern, Clete A Kushida, John A Thompson
university of nebraska medical center
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that leads to both motor and non-motor symptoms. While there is as yet no cure for PD, medical and surgical therapies have been developed that effectively target the motor symptoms of PD.
Title An Ethical Approach to Detecting Covert Consciousness
Michael J Young
massachusetts general hospital
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Alarming shortcomings of the bedside behavioral examination in reliably detecting consciousness generate profound dilemmas for clinicians and families facing decisions about continuation of life-sustaining therapy, pain control, prognostication, and resource allocation in patients wi
Title An integrated platform for studying sensory networks in the vertebrate brain
Ethan Kime Scott
university of queensland
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
7. Project Summary/Abstract Human experience is shaped by our senses, which receive diverse inputs from our environment. These varied inputs, however, all contribute to a single integrated representation in our minds of the outside world.
Title Application of the principle of symmetry to neural circuitry: From building blocks to neural synchronization in the connectome
Hernan Makse, Manuel Zimmer
city college of new york
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/Abstract The broad, long-term objective of this grant is to advance a new theoretical approach to identify synchronized building blocks of neural circuits based on group theory and its application to understand the permutation symmetries of these circuits.
Title Bidirectional Interactions of Cortex and Basal Ganglia During Action Selection
Allison Elizabeth Girasole
harvard medical school
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/Abstract Selecting future actions based on previous experiences is key to an animal's survival. This process, known as action selection, depends on the proper function of cortical and subcortical basal ganglia circuits.
Title Biophysical modeling of the functional MRI signal through parametric variations in neuronal activation and blood vessel anatomy using realistic synthetic microvascular networks
Grant Hartung
massachusetts general hospital
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
The most widespread tool for measuring brain activity noninvasively in humans is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which typically tracks changes in blood flow and oxygenation using the blood-oxygenation-level- dependent (BOLD) signal.
Title Brain States and Flexible Behavior
Santiago Jaramillo, David Mccormick, Cristopher M Niell
university of oregon
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Abstract To survive in dynamic environments, the nervous system must be able to generate flexible behavior — seamlessly weaving together past experience with the present context to achieve future goals.
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