Funded Awards

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative funds a wide-variety of research: toolmakers, trainees, individual labs testing new hypotheses, and large, team-based efforts aiming to catalyze neuroscience inquiry forward. Explore NIH BRAIN Initiative funded awards listed below. Click on the project title to learn more about it within NIH RePORTER.

To see more NIH-funded awards and associated publications, please visit the NIH RePORTER

Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunity #
TitleConverting Value into Action: Computations in Corticostriatal Circuits for Flexible Decision Making
Linda Amarante
johns hopkins university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY To flexibly execute behavior, choices are made based on previous outcomes that will maximize reward. Crucially, learning the value of each action to obtain a reward is thought to drive this decision making process. In a value-based decision making framework, these values are first co
TitleCortical basis of complex motor sequences in humans for neural interfaces
Jaimie M Henderson, Krishna V Shenoy
stanford university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Intracortical brain-computer interfaces (iBCIs) can restore lost function for people with severe speech and motor impairment (SSMI) due to neurological injury or disease. Despite tremendous recent progress, iBCI performance remains well below that of able-bodied people.
TitleDecoding and Selective Modulation of Human Memory During Awake/Sleep Cycles
Itzhak Fried
university of california los angeles
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Episodic memories integrate the content of human experience in space and time and constitute the core of one's identity.
TitleDefining motor neuron diversity from embryo to adulthood and generating tools for in vivo and in vitro access
Tulsi Patel
columbia university health sciences
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT In order to understand neurological diseases, it is essential to identify the affected neuronal cell types, create model systems that accurately recapitulate normal function and disease phenotypes, and develop tools that allow cellular manipulations.
TitleDefining Targets for Tic Detection and Suppression in Tourette Syndrome Deep Brain Stimulation
Christopher R Butson, Aysegul Gunduz, Michael S Okun
university of florida
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Tourette syndrome (TS) is a continuous lifelong condition that is highly prevalent, socially disabling, and in some severe cases, physically injurious.
TitleDeveloping A Transition MicroElelectrode Array for Large-scale Brain Recording
Yantao Fan
university of utah
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary The brain’s functions are determined by its neural circuits, which consist of approximately 85 billion neuronal cells.
TitleDeveloping cell type-specific enhancers and connectivity mapping pipelines for marmosets
Guoping Feng, Partha Pratim Mitra
massachusetts institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Although genetic tools have dramatically advanced our understanding of brain function, they have largely been confined to mice.
TitleDevelopment of 3D-FAST Optical Interface for Rapid Volumetric Neural Sensing and Modulation
Emily Gibson, Cristin G Welle
university of colorado denver
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary To further our understanding of the function of neural circuits, there is a need for new tools that can collect simultaneous measurements from large populations of neurons involved in a common neural computation and provide precise functional modulation.
TitleDiscovering the molecular genetic principles of cell type organization through neurobiology-guided computational analysis of single cell multi-omics data sets
Z Josh Huang
duke university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
ABSTRACT Understanding the biological principles of cell type diversity and organization is necessary for deciphering neural circuits underlying brain function.
TitleDisentangling hippocampal and cortical contributions to episodic memory
Alexa Tompary
university of pennsylvania
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary This application describes a 5-year plan to investigate the neural dynamics that underpin distortion in memory, integrating computational modeling approaches with functional neuroimaging (fMRI) and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques (TMS).
TitleDissecting neocortical field potential dynamics using optical voltage imaging in genetically targeted cell-types
Mark J Schnitzer, Ivan Soltesz
stanford university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Measurements of cortical field potentials are widely used throughout basic and clinical neuroscience, including in electroencephalography (EEG), electrocorticography (ECoG) and local field potential (LFP) recordings.
TitleDissecting the role of neuronal-astroglial interactions in sleep homeostasis
Ashley Miranda Ingiosi
washington state university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Insufficient sleep, sleep disorders, and resulting problems with health and cognition are increasingly common in the United States.
TitleEnhancing the spatial control of non-invasive brain stimulation by magnetic temporal interference
John Gustaf Wilhelm Samuelsson
massachusetts general hospital
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/Abstract Electromagnetic brain stimulation is a safe and proven way of controlling neural activity non-invasively with no implanted hardware or injected biochemical agents.
TitleEthical and Policy Aspects of Cortical Visual Prosthetics Research: An Empirical Neuroethics Study
Peter David Zuk
harvard medical school
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have emerged as a promising modality for restoring physiological functions such as mobility, communication, and visual perception.
TitlefMRI physiological signatures of aging and Alzheimer's Disease
Catherine Elizabeth Chang
vanderbilt university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The growing availability of large functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) datasets has enabled new investigations into functional systems of the human brain.
TitleFrom synapses to genes through morphology: an integrated characterization of cell types based on connectomics and transcriptomics data
Forrest Christie Collman, Nuno Macarico Da Costa, R Clay Reid
allen institute
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary The goal of this project is to create a unified framework for understanding the relationship between neuronal gene expression and connectivity in mouse visual cortex, by using morphology as a key linking modality.
TitleFunctional and cell-type specific axonal pathways in the primate brain
R Clay Reid
allen institute
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/Abstract Over the past decade, there have been transformative advances in three areas of mammalian neuroscience. First, our ability to record from large populations of neurons has dramatically increased with the advent of new electrode technologies and improved multiphoton imaging.
TitleHarmonizing and Archiving of Large-scale Infant Neuroimaging Data
Gang Li
univ of north carolina chapel hill
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Abstract The first postnatal years are an exceptionally dynamic and critical period of structural and functional development of the human brain. Many neurodevelopmental disorders are the consequence of abnormal brain development during this stage.
TitleHemogenetic imaging technology for circuit-specific analysis of primate brain function
Alan Jasanoff
massachusetts institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Primate brains contain cortical areas that exhibit selective engagement in high-level sensory or behavioral operations. The functional specialization of these regions is thought to be central to primate-specific cognitive faculties and to associated disorders.
TitleHeritability and cognitive implications of structural-functional connectome coupling
Amy Kuceyeski
weill medical coll of cornell univ
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
The human brain is an unimaginably complicated system of interconnected neurons that is capable of complex thought, emotion and behavior.
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