This proposal responds to BRAIN Initiative RFA-NS-20-006 and aims to elucidate the neural and biophysical mechanisms of noninvasive focused ultrasound (FUS) neuromodulation.
Funded Awards
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative funds a wide-variety of research: toolmakers, trainees, individual labs testing new hypotheses, and large, team-based efforts aiming to catalyze neuroscience inquiry forward. Explore NIH BRAIN Initiative funded awards listed below. Click on the project title to learn more about it within NIH RePORTER.
To see more NIH-funded awards and associated publications, please visit the NIH RePORTER.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunity #
Project #
TitleBiophysical and Neural Basis of Focused Ultrasound Stimulation
Charles F Caskey, Li Min Chen
vanderbilt university medical center
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
TitleBRAIN Initiative: Hierarchical Event Descriptors (HED): a system to characterize events in neurobehavioral data
Scott Makeig, Kay A Robbins, Arnaud Delorme
university of california, san diego
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
This two-year project will advance, integrate, document, and promote the use of the Hierarchical
Event Descriptor (HED) system to describe events in human neuroimaging and behavioral data
from research experiments and other sources in sufficient detail to support comparative analysis
of human brain
TitleBRAIN Integrated Resource for Human Anatomy and Intracranial Neurophysiology
Dominique Duncan, Nader Pouratian
ut southwestern medical center
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Intracranial recordings in patients undergoing neurosurgical interventions provide a unique opportunity to directly
access, study, and learn about both normal human brain function and neuropsychiatric disease.
TitleBroadening access with an Armamentarium Vector Core Powered by Inclusive Research Experiences
Viviana Gradinaru, Timothy Francis Shay
california institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
The AAV BRAIN Safe and Effective Neuromodulator and Sensor Utilization across Species (SENSUS, led by
Caltech) of the NIH BRAIN Initiative Armamentarium Project will develop, validate, and disseminate integrated
(capsid and genome) engineered adeno-associated virus (AAV) tools to mon
TitleBroadly Accessible Technologies for Single-cell Joint Analysis of Transcriptome and Epigenome
Bing Ren
epigenome technologies, inc.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Opportunity Number PA-20-265
Project Number
Histone modifications carry rich information of cellular memory and gene regulatory mechanisms.
TitleCAJAL: A computational framework for the combined morphometric, transcriptomic, and physiological analysis of cells
Pablo Gonzalez Camara
university of pennsylvania
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Morphology is an essential phenotype in the characterization of cells and their states. It reflects the progression
of functional cellular processes, such as morphogenesis, migration, or dendrite arborization, and can be
indicative of disease.
TitleCaring for BRAIN pioneers: Understanding and enhancing family and researcher support in neural device trials
Sara Goering, Eran Klein
university of washington
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Project abstract
BRAIN pioneers are people who take on significant risk as participants in first-in-human or early
neurotechnology studies for the sake of helping to further science.
TitleCell Type-specific Anterograde Circuit Mapping and Functional Control by Optimizing YFV-17D Transneuronal Systems
Wei Xu
ut southwestern medical center
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Cell Type-specific Anterograde Circuit Mapping and Functional Control by
Optimizing YFV-17D Transneuronal Systems
To elucidate the functional organization of brain circuitry we need to delineate neuronal
connectivity and control the activity of neurons with specific connectivity.
TitleCircuit dynamics of structuring episodic memories in humans
Jie Zheng
boston children's hospital
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Project summary
Our lives unfold over time, weaving rich, dynamic, and multisensory information into a continuous experience.
However, we remember this as a series of discrete events. For example, the memory of a two-hour movie
consists of a few memorable moments tied to the main story.
TitleCircuits for spontaneous behavior and phototaxis in a simple model chordate
William Smith
university of california santa barbara
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
This proposal will investigate neural circuits driving negative phototaxis in an emerging model for neural circuit
analysis: larvae of the primitive chordate Ciona. Ciona larvae have a number of features that make them
ideally suited for this project.
TitleClosed-Loop Systems for Large Scale Spatiotemporal Imaging and Actuation of Neural Activity in Freely Behaving Animals
Daniel Aharoni, Hugh T Blair, Peyman Golshani
university of california los angeles
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
A major challenge in neuroscience is to uncover how defined neural circuits in the brain encode, store, modify, and retrieve information. Adding to this challenge is the fact that neural function does not operate in isolation but rather within living, behaving animals.
TitleCommercialization of integrated electrode-electronics system for large scale, long-lasting electrophysiology
Loren M Frank, Mattias Peter Karlsson, Chong Xie, Jan Zimmermann
spikegadgets, llc
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Examining how behavior arises from the complex interconnected activity of the brain is a
cornerstone of neuroscience research. A recent technological advance in neurotechnology is
enabling studies where the parallel activity of thousands of neurons can be studied in rodent
TitleDataJoint SciOps: A Managed Service for Neuroscience Data Workflows
Dimitri Yatsenko
vathes inc.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Project summary
This SBIR proposal aims to address current challenges in data-driven neuroscience by implementing DataJoint
SciOps: a commercial service to help research labs implement computational workflows for data-intensive science
TitleDeciphering the genomic mechanisms underlying the physiology of human brain stimulation
Genevieve Konopka, Bradley C Lega
ut southwestern medical center
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
The underlying mechanisms of brain stimulation in humans are poorly understood, especially at the level of gene expression.
TitleDeep and fast imaging using adaptive excitation sources
Chris Xu
cornell university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Optical recordings of activity are critical to probe neural systems because they provide high-resolution,
non-invasive measurements, ranging from single neurons to entire populations in intact nervous systems, and
are readily combined with genetic methods to provide cell type-specific reco
TitleDefining the circuit, synaptic, and molecular mechanisms linking intracellular Ca2+ release to learning using subcellularly-targeted manipulations and imaging techniques in dendrites in vivo
Justin O'hare
columbia university health sciences
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Project Summary/Abstract
Candidate Goals and Mission Relevance: The applicant’s broad, long-term objective is to investigate how high-
(circuit/behavioral) and low- (subcellular/molecular) level organizational principles of the brain cooperate to drive
TitleDevelopment and Validation of a Genetically Encoded Method to Trace and Manipulate Neuronal Circuits in Zebrafish
Carlos Lois, David Aaron Prober
california institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Identifying how neurons are connected to each other in the brain is an important and necessary step towards
understanding how brain activity gives rise to behavior, and how it is perturbed by disease.
TitleDevelopment of a Miniaturized Wearable Ultrasonic Beam-forming Device for Localized Targeting of Brain Regions in Freely-moving Experimental Subjects
Kevin A Snook
actuated medical, inc.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
This Phase I SBIR will further develop, validate, and initiate commercialization of the miniature ultrasound
beamforming array (MUBA) system for transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS).
TitleDevelopment of a sample preparation protocol for brain ultrastructural analysis, immunolabeling, and neuronal tracing by light microscopy
Ons M'saad
panluminate inc.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Understanding its neural connections and molecular
anatomy requires imaging technology that is capable of mapping the 3D nanoscale distribution of specific
proteins in the context of brain ultrastructure.
TitleDevelopment of kinase biosensors for multiplex neuronal imaging of signaling pathways in behaving mice
Richard L Huganir, Jin Zhang
johns hopkins university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Number
Project Summary
Cell signaling pathways in the brain are an essential part of a complex system regulating the activity and
coordination of neuronal networks.