Project Summary Visual attention differences are a promising diagnostic marker for autism spectrum conditions (ASC).
Funded Awards
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative funds a wide-variety of research: toolmakers, trainees, individual labs testing new hypotheses, and large, team-based efforts aiming to catalyze neuroscience inquiry forward. Explore NIH BRAIN Initiative funded awards listed below. Click on the project title to learn more about it within NIH RePORTER.
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PROJECT SUMMARY Poor sleep is common in neurodevelopment disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with up to 93% of ASD individuals reporting sleep problems.
Project Summary Many advances in modern neuroscience rely on electrophysiological recordings of large neural populations (e.g. many hundreds of cells) or high-resolution measurements of animal behavior (e.g. from video).
When learning a new task, both rats and humans exhibit suboptimal behaviors plagued with superstitious ticks and idiosyncratic biases.