Funded Awards

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative funds a wide-variety of research: toolmakers, trainees, individual labs testing new hypotheses, and large, team-based efforts aiming to catalyze neuroscience inquiry forward. Explore NIH BRAIN Initiative funded awards listed below. Click on the project title to learn more about it within NIH RePORTER.

To see more NIH-funded awards and associated publications, please visit the NIH RePORTER

Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunity #
TitleNeuropixelsUltra: Dense arrays for stable, unbiased, and cell type-specific electrical imaging
Timothy D Harris, Shawn R. Olsen, Nicholas Steinmetz
university of washington
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Summary/Abstract Understanding the neural mechanisms underpinning cognition and behavior requires the ability to measure the dynamics and interactions of populations of neurons spread across many brain regions.
TitleNew approaches for single cell tagging, editing and profiling of glial cells in vivo
Weizhe Hong
university of california los angeles
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Summary The mammalian central nervous system supports a multitude of cognitive and behavioral functions through coordinated action of different neural circuits that are composed of diverse sets of differentiated cell types, including both neurons and non-neuronal cells.
TitleNew methods and theories to interrogate organizational principles from single cell to neuronal networks
Mara Dierssen, Bing Ye
university of michigan at ann arbor
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Understanding how individual neurons contribute to network functions is fundamental to neuroscience. Recent years have seen exciting progresses in the reconstructions of single-neuron morphologies and wiring diagrams at the level of individual synapses.
TitleNext generation all-optical toolkits for functional analysis of neuropeptide dynamics in neural circuits
Matthew Ryan Banghart, Bernardo L Sabatini, Lin Tian
university of california, san diego
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project summary The mammalian brain is remarkably dynamic and can quickly adjust its functional state in response to changes in the environment. For example, when a salient event occurs, the brain enters a mode that enhances memory formation.
TitleNext Generation Cell-Type-Specific Viral Vectors for Non-Neuronal Brain Cell Types
Michael Eldon Greenberg
harvard medical school
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary: While traditionally conceived as passive support elements for neuronal networks, non-neuronal brain cells are now appreciated as dynamic integral components of central nervous system (CNS) circuitry.
TitleNext-generation high-resolution diffusion MRI resolving cortical columns and layers in vivo
Allen W Song, Trong-Kha Truong
duke university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Abstract In response to the NIH RFA-EB-17-003 on “Proof of Concept Development of Early Stage Next Generation Human Brain Imaging”, we propose a two-year plan to develop the much needed hardware and software solutions for ultrahigh resolution diffusion MRI to delineate cortical columns and layers in
TitleNon-Invasive Nanoparticle Platform for Tool Delivery to the Brain
Ute H Hochgeschwender, Julien Rossignol, Ajit Sharma
central michigan university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The goal of this proposal is to assess the feasibility of a non-invasive nanoparticle platform for tool delivery to the brain.
TitleNovel fluorescent sensors for imaging neuromodulation
Yang Dan, Jun Ding, Yulong Li, Dayu Lin
university of california berkeley
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
SUMMARY Animal behaviors are orchestrated by the sophisticated nervous system, which is dynamically regulated by neuromodulators including lipids and neuropeptides.
TitleNovel tools for spatiotemporal modulation of astrocytes in neuronal circuits
Mriganka Sur
massachusetts institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Astrocytes are a major class of non-neuronal cells in the brain whose crosstalk with neurons at the synaptic and circuit levels remains poorly understood.
TitleOptimization and Delivery of Bioactive Coating for High Yield and Stable Neural Recording
Xinyan Tracy Cui
university of pittsburgh at pittsburgh
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary The ability to monitor activity of ensembles of neurons at single-cell resolution, chronically, over long time periods is greatly desired by neuroscientists. A variety of multi-electrode arrays (MEAs) have been developed for in vivo studies.
TitleOptimization and dissemination of non-linear Acousto-Optic Lens two-photon microscopy for high speed multiscale 3D imaging
Jessica A Cardin, Jeffrey S Diamond, Darcy S Peterka, Robin Angus Silver
university college london
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY To understand brain function, it is essential to identify how information is represented in neuronal population activity and how it is transformed by individual neurons as it flows through microcircuits.
TitleOpto-Crown: Transparent skulls with embedded optics for cortex-wide cellular resolution imaging in freely moving mice
Edward S. Boyden, Suhasa B Kodandaramaiah, John L Sherwood
university of minnesota
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY The activity patterns of millions of neurons organized in circuits distributed across multiple brain regions mediate our interaction with the outside world.
TitlePediatric Deep Brain Stimulation: Neuroethics and Decision Making
Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz, Eric A. Storch
baylor college of medicine
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Deep brain stimulation (DBS) and adaptive DBS systems are currently used in children with dystonia, epilepsy, and Tourette Syndrome, and its use is expanding to other neuropsychiatric conditions.
TitleProprioceptive Coding of Jaw Movement during Orofacial Behavior
William Paul Olson
johns hopkins university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary Integration of sensory information with motor commands allows movement to be adaptable. For example, many survival-critical orofacial behaviors (chewing, drinking, breathing, etc.) involve updating movement trajectories based on interaction with objects (e.g.
TitleQuantifying causality for neuroscience
Konrad P. Kording
university of pennsylvania
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Abstract: Causality is central to neuroscience. For example, we might ask about the causal effect of a neuron on another neuron, or its influence on perception, action, or cognition. Moreover, any medical approaches aim at producing a causal effect – effecting improvements for patients.
TitleRapid and Agile Multi-Photon Optical Imaging Over Large Neural Volumes
Mark A Foster
johns hopkins university
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary/ Abstract Multi-photon, depth-sectioning microscopes are of paramount importance in capturing neural activity with cellular resolution.
TitleRapid Evaluation of Neuronal Activity in the Intact Whole-Brain at Single Cell Resolution
Damian G. Wheeler
translucence biosystems, inc.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Project Summary New imaging tools are needed for brain-wide visualization of the neural activity underlying defined behaviors. Live imaging techniques such as fMRI and MEG measure activity across the brain, but these methods cannot resolve single cell activity.
TitleRapid, single-cell level molecular phenotyping of intact brains via active immunohistochemistry
Adam C Hall, Frank He, Jeffrey Stirman
lifecanvas technologies, inc.
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
Abstract. Cell-level analysis and a growing appreciation of cell-type diversity have transformed our understanding of the brain.
TitleRe-engineering Rabies Virus
Ian R Wickersham
massachusetts institute of technology
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
PROJECT SUMMARY Every part of the brain is composed of dense tangles of heavily-interconnected neurons of many different types, each playing completely different roles in the circuitry.
TitleRelating functional MRI to neuronal activity: accounting for effects of microarchitecture
Anna I Blazejewska
massachusetts general hospital
Fiscal Year
Funding Opportunities Number
The central goal of the BRAIN Initiative is to understand the structure and function of human brain circuits.
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