MRI pop art, sparkling fluorescent axons, digitally painted ancient prints, and colorful tractography journeys. Check out this year’s stunning contest finalists and vote for your favorites! Voting closes June 10, 2021.
Since 2019, the NIH BRAIN Initiative has hosted a contest to showcase beautiful images and videos of the brain created by neuroscientists. The year, we received some amazing entries – from intricate tractography renders in human brains to glowing, fluorescently labeled neural circuits in mice and zebrafish. Now we need your help to pick the winners!
Voting is open to anyone. Visit the contest IdeaScale webpage to browse entries and vote. The top three photos and top three videos will be announced as part of the annual BRAIN Initiative Investigators Meeting on June 16, 2021. Please create an IdeaScale account to participate.
Cast your vote by June 10, 2021!
2020 3rd Place Video Winner. “Fly Through a Fly Brain”
Credit: Amy Sterling, Sebastian Seung, Mala Murthy, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.