U24 Program

The NIH BRAIN Initiative U24 funding opportunity provides up to 5 years of support to projects aiming to broadly disseminate developed and validated tools and resources, that are highly relevant to specific goals of the BRAIN Initiative. Below are useful resources for those interested in applying to the U24 program, as well as those interested in using the tools and technologies that are being disseminated by funded U24 projects.

Key Resources 


Current U24 Projects

This is a preview of the Data Table. Only the first three rows are displayed.
Name Description Category Contact/PI
Open Ephys GUI Software for processing, recording, and visualizing multichannel electrophysiology data. Neurophysiology - Nonhuman Josh Siegle
Neuroscience Monoclonal Antibody Sequencing Initiative (NeuroMabSeq) Renewable recombinant antibodies and affinity reagents for neuroscience research. Neural Histology Karl Murray
MoSeq An interactive pipeline and toolkit for unsupervised discovery of repeated motifs in 3D video of freely behaving mice. Behavioral Neuroscience Sandeep Robert Datta
Two-photon spectrometer Resource for multiphoton characterization of genetically-encoded fluorescent probes. Circuit Analysis Reagents Mikhail Drobizhev
Polymer Implantable Electrode (PIE) Foundry A service to expand access to polymer-based microelectrode arrays, by providing user training, quality control testing, and custom-made devices and tools. Neurophysiology - Nonhuman Ellis Meng
OpenScope A community-driven brain observatory for large-scale systems neuroscience. Neurophysiology - Nonhuman Jerome Lecoq
Neurodata Without Borders (NWB) Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology (NWB:N) is a data standard for neurophysiology, providing neuroscientists with a common standard to share, archive, use, and build analysis tools for neurophysiology data. Neuroinformatics Oliver Ruebel
DataJoint Elements Standardized workflows for neurophysiology experiments, managing data and automated analyses. Neuroinformatics Dimitri Yatsenko
OpenMind Consortium Tools and resources to support and strengthen the community of researchers and innovators leading the way in the field of advanced neuromodulation Neurophysiology - Human Heather Dawes
BCI2000 A general-purpose software platform for research and development of adaptive neurotechnologies. Neurophysiology - Human Peter Brunner
National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research (NCMIR) Provides access and support in the integrative use of advanced, high throughput multiscale imaging technologies, tools and analysis strategies for brain research Connectomics Mark Ellisman
Addgene Antibody Open Resource Recombinant antibodies for neuroscience research in plasmid/protein format and data about their usage Neural Histology Melina Fan
NeuroJSON JSON-based open standards and tools to make neuroimaging data human-readable, universally parsable, reusable and discoverable Neuroinformatics Qianqian Fang
Brain Modeling Tools: BMTK Comprehensive user support and a dissemination platform for the software tools that facilitate many aspects of modeling in neuroscience, including the Brain Modeling ToolKit (BMTK) software suite for model building/simulation. Neuroinformatics Anton Arkhipov
Brain Modeling Tools: VND Comprehensive user support and a dissemination platform for the software tools that facilitate many aspects of modeling in neuroscience, including the Visual Neuronal Dynamics (VND), which offers powerful 3D visualization capabilities for neuronal network models. Neuroinformatics Anton Arkhipov
Brain Modeling Tools: SONATA Comprehensive user support and a dissemination platform for the software tools that facilitate many aspects of modeling in neuroscience, including the SONATA file format for efficient storage of model and simulation data. Neuroinformatics Anton Arkhipov
Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) The Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) is an open source software platform for cellular and circuit level investigation of human magneto- and electro-encephalography (MEG/EEG) signals.  Neuroinformatics Stephanie Jones 
MAPseq/BARseq Core Facility Providing services and consultations on mapping long-range projections of neurons at single-cell resolution by cellular barcoding and sequencing Circuit Analysis Reagents Huiqing/Ching Zhan
Center for Advanced Motor Bio-Engineering and Research (CAMBER) Creation and dissemination of high density electrode arrays ("Myomatrix arrays") for recording muscle activity Neurophysiology- Nonhuman CAMBER team
Stanford Program for Integrated Neuroscience Technologies (SPrINT) Platform for the integration of innovative technologies in animal behavior, disease models, neuroimaging, gene and viral vector technologies and human brain organogenesis to external investigators Behavioral Neuroscience, Circuit Analysis Reagents Erwin Defensor
UNC Neuroscience NeuroTools Custom adeno-associated virus (AAV), rabies (RBV), lenti (LV), and herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors for the neuroscience community using specialized purification strategies Circuit Analysis Reagents Kim Ritola
Cell Type Knowledge Explorer A web tool for exploration of cell types in primary motor cortex that span data modalities, species, and levels of resolution Neuroinformatics Jeremy Miller
Allen Brain Cell (ABC) Atlas A platform for visualizing and analyzing multimodal single cell and spatial transcriptomics data across the whole mammalian brain in multiple datasets simultaneously Neuroinformatics Jeremy Miller
MapMyCells A web tool that allows scientists worldwide to assign cell types to their own transcriptomics and spatial data by comparing their data to mouse and human brain atlases derived by the Allen Institute for Brain Science and BICAN Neuroinformatics Jeremy Miller
NeuroImaging Chart (NiChart) NiChart is a framework that integrates modular software tools designed for robust image processing, data analysis, and the development and application of machine learning-based neuroimaging models Neuroimaging Guray Erus
FlyWire Whole-Brain Connectome of an adult female Drosophila featuring AI-segmented, expert-proofread neurons with millions of connections, crowdsourced labels, and neurotransmitters Connectomics Mala Murthy
NexGen 7T A next-generation 7T MRI scanner designed for ultra-high-resolution human brain imaging incorporating the latest advances in gradient coil, RF array coil, parallel transmit and pulse sequence design Neuroimaging Alex Beckett
fMRI Echo Planar Time-resolved Imaging (EPTI) A new functional MRI acquisition technology with improved functional sensitivity and specificity Neuroimaging Fuyixue Wang
Virtual Observatory of the Cortex (VORTEX) Shares the MICrONS connectome dataset, an electron microscopy reconstruction of a cubic millimeter of cortex, with the scientific community, and supports further research and refinement within the dataset Connectomics Bethanny Danskin
Vendor-agnostic functional and structural MRI sequences for multi-site studies Provides open-source code for creating and reconstructing MRI sequences using the Pulseq sequence description Neuroimaging Jon-Fredrik Nielsen
Cloud-based resources for optical brain mapping Cloud-based resources for optical brain mapping that facilitate efficient, accurate, and standardized processing to harmonize measurement and analysis strategies throughout the greater brain mapping community Neuroimaging Adam Eggebrecht
Connectome 2.0 A next-generation 3T MRI scanner designed for performing connectomics and imaging of human brain circuits at the mesoscopic and microscopic scales using the latest high-performance gradients and radiofrequency coil technology Neuroimaging Connectome 2.0 U24