Dr. Zhihao Zheng is a postdoctoral associate in the labs of Dr. David Tank and Dr. Sebastian Seung at Princeton University. Dr. Zheng completed his PhD of neuroscience at Janelia Research Campus under the mentorship of Dr. Davi Bock as part of the joint program between Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Research Campus and the Department of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University. During his PhD, he acquired an electron microscopy (EM) volume of an entire brain of the adult fly Drosophila melanogaster. The EM volume has become a landmark dataset in the field and has subsequently been used by others to assemble the first whole-brain connectome of an adult fly. Additionally, Dr. Zheng used the EM dataset to map the network architecture of olfactory inputs to the mushroom body, a center for learning and memory in the fly brain. As a postdoc, he has led a project to establish a high-throughput imaging facility at Princeton Neuroscience Institute, with four of the fastest transmission electron microscopes. He has used the microscopes to image brain regions in the hippocampus formation at synaptic resolution and millimeter scale, with the goal of studying the pattern of local connectivity within the hippocampus. The goal of his BRAIN Initiative project is to combine cellular-resolution two-photon calcium imaging during spatial navigation, followed by EM imaging and reconstruction, to study the connectivity of functionally characterized cells in the hippocampus.