The BRAIN Blog

Latest from The BRAIN Blog

The BRAIN Blog covers updates and announcements on BRAIN Initiative research, events, and news. 

Hear from BRAIN Initiative trainees, learn about new scientific advancements, and find out about recent funding opportunities by visiting The BRAIN Blog.

black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting

Notices of Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2021: Understanding Neural Circuits and Data Science

This week, a series of daily blog posts highlight 28 new and reissued BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for 2021. Today’s post features three NOFOs for research teams working to develop integrative, novel methods to elucidate neural circuits and funding for data analysis, archiving, and standardization.

Understanding Neural Circuits

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

Notices of Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2021: Cell Census Research and Tools for Cells and Circuits

This week, a series of daily blog posts highlight 28 new and reissued BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for 2021. This post overviews five NOFOs aimed to accelerate the use of brain cell census technologies and tools, and promote the development, validation, and dissemination of novel tools for studying cell types and circuits.

Cell Census Research

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

Notices of Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2021: Training, Technology Dissemination, and Small Business

This week, a series of daily blog posts will highlight 28 new and reissued BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for 2021. Today’s post focuses on awards for training, equity, and inclusion; technology dissemination; and small business.

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

BRAIN Publication Roundup – November 2020

Power-efficient hardware and brain-computer interfaces… Understanding the timescales of neural dynamics… Examining gut-to-brain progression of α-synuclein pathology in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease… The neural origins of magneto- and electro-encephalography…

Improving intracortical brain–computer interfaces through new power designs

  • Neuroscience Research and Technology

Newly Issued Notice of Funding Opportunity for Post-Doctoral Fellows; NIH Staff Celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation Week

This F32 notice of funding opportunity supports research training of promising post-doctorates, early in their postdoctoral training period. The next deadlines for applications are in December 2020 and August 2021. NIH staff also recently recognized postdoctoral fellows for their efforts during National Postdoc Appreciation Week.

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

NIH Issues Notice of Funding Opportunity for a Cell-Type Specific Armamentarium

This notice of funding opportunity supports the development of technologies, production efforts, and dissemination resources for a cell type-specific armamentarium to study brain function across species. Applications are due in February and October of 2021.

RFA-MH-20-556 Pilot resources for brain cell type-specific access and manipulation across vertebrate species (U01; clinical trial not allowed)

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

NIH Reissues Notice of Funding Opportunity for Exploratory Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs (RFA-NS-20-029)

The next application deadline for the BRAIN Initiative: Exploratory Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs – eTeamBCP (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) is July 14, 2020.

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

From the NINDS Director: Looking out for our community

This message can also be viewed as a Director’s Message from NINDS Director, Dr. Walter Koroshetz. 

  • Neuroscience News

Regulatory Resources for Neural Devices

If you are developing or using a new neural device in humans, ready to register your device for clinical trials, or thinking about bringing your device to market, learn more about how to get feedback from the FDA on your device and clinical testing plans before starting the regulatory approval process.

  • Neuroscience News

New and Reissued Notices of Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2020: Human Neuroscience and Clinical Studies, Neuroimaging, and Non-invasive Neuromodulation

This week, a series of daily blog posts will highlight 28 new and reissued BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for 2020. This final post features five opportunities for clinical studies and human neuroscience research. These awards encourage researchers to harness the power of next-generation invasive neural devices, neuroimaging methods, and neuromodulation techniques to advance our knowledge about the brain and brain disorders.

Human Neuroscience and Clinical Studies

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding