A virtual workshop organized by The National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) will bring together cross-disciplinary experts to discuss scientific advances in genetics and neuroscience this October 5 and 6.
The BRAIN Blog
BRAIN-Affiliated Investigators Receive Prestigious HHMI and Lasker Awards
The 2021 cohort of Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigators includes six BRAIN-funded scientists, while three investigators, including BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group member Karl Deisseroth, were honored with the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for their breakthrough work on optogenetics.
- Neuroscience News
August 2021 NIH BRAIN Initiative Neuroethics and Multi-Council Working Group meetings
Last month, members of the NIH BRAIN Initiative Neuroethics Working Group (NEWG) and Multi-Council Working Group (MCWG) discussed the ethics of research participant payment, diversifying brain tissue donation, the BRAIN Initiative Investigators meeting, and more.
- Neuroscience News
Inviting your Feedback on Consent Language for Future Use of Data and Biospecimens
This recently-issued Request for Information (RFI) invites stakeholder input on the utility and useability of sample language developed for use in informed consent documents for data and biospecimen sharing. The RFI is open until September 29, 2021.
- Neuroscience Grants and Funding
BRAIN re-issues notice for awardees to apply for diversity supplements
This Notice of Special Interest encourages eligible BRAIN Initiative awardees to apply for supplemental funds that will promote diversity in health-related research.
- Neuroscience Grants and Funding
BRAIN issues notice of new requirement for applications to include diverse perspectives in proposed research
The BRAIN Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives encourages the research community to broadly consider how diverse perspectives advance the proposed specific aims and are integral to equity and inclusion in their science.
- Neuroscience Grants and Funding
The Allen Institute Invites Proposals for OpenScope: A Platform for High-Throughput and Reproducible Neurophysiology
OpenScope opens the Allen Brain Observatory platform to the community, allowing for more sophisticated hypotheses testing on brain function.
- Neuroscience Grants and Funding
The BRAIN Initiative at LabRoots’ 9th Annual Neuroscience Virtual Conference
Join us today for a virtual event that will bring together NIH BRAIN program staff, BRAIN-funded investigators, and the neuroscience community to discuss the latest findings in our understanding of the human brain, neuropsychiatric disorders, and behavior.
- Neuroscience Research and Technology
BRAIN Initiative Alliance Toolmakers Newsletter - August 2021
These newsletters spotlight different BRAIN Initiative investigators with tools, technologies, and/or theories ready for distribution to the research community to advance neurotechnology.
- Neuroscience News
Upcoming August meetings for the NIH BRAIN Initiative Neuroethics and Multi-Council Working Groups
Please join us for two virtual NIH BRAIN Initiative meetings tomorrow and Friday. Videocast will be available for the open meeting sessions.
Neuroethics Working Group Meeting – Thursday, August 19, 2021
- Neuroscience News