The BRAIN Blog

Latest from The BRAIN Blog

The BRAIN Blog covers updates and announcements on BRAIN Initiative research, events, and news. 

Hear from BRAIN Initiative trainees, learn about new scientific advancements, and find out about recent funding opportunities by visiting The BRAIN Blog.

black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting

Notices of Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2021: Understanding Neural Circuits and Data Science

This week, a series of daily blog posts highlight 28 new and reissued BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for 2021. Today’s post features three NOFOs for research teams working to develop integrative, novel methods to elucidate neural circuits and funding for data analysis, archiving, and standardization.

Understanding Neural Circuits

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

Notices of Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2021: Cell Census Research and Tools for Cells and Circuits

This week, a series of daily blog posts highlight 28 new and reissued BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for 2021. This post overviews five NOFOs aimed to accelerate the use of brain cell census technologies and tools, and promote the development, validation, and dissemination of novel tools for studying cell types and circuits.

Cell Census Research

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

Notices of Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2021: Training, Technology Dissemination, and Small Business

This week, a series of daily blog posts will highlight 28 new and reissued BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for 2021. Today’s post focuses on awards for training, equity, and inclusion; technology dissemination; and small business.

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

BRAIN Publication Roundup – December 2020

Improving two-color calcium imaging… Surprising evolutionary changes in interneuron types… Exploring how the basal ganglia multitasks behavior… Using mathematical models to study bat echolocation…

A new variant of the calcium indicator improves two-photon imaging

  • Neuroscience Research and Technology

The BRAIN Initiative Alliance — Tools, Tech, Theory, and Trainees at Neuromatch 3.0

This three-part virtual series, a collaboration between the BRAIN Initiative Alliance and Neuromatch, highlighted an inspirational lineup of rising stars and outstanding experts in the field of neurotechnology.

  • Neuroscience Research and Technology

BRAIN Publication Roundup – November 2020

Power-efficient hardware and brain-computer interfaces… Understanding the timescales of neural dynamics… Examining gut-to-brain progression of α-synuclein pathology in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease… The neural origins of magneto- and electro-encephalography…

Improving intracortical brain–computer interfaces through new power designs

  • Neuroscience Research and Technology

Upcoming workshop on focused ultrasound for neuromodulation: considerations for translation

The BRAIN community may be interested in an upcoming workshop on Monday, November 9, 2020, which will discuss obstacles to translation and safety considerations for clinical applications of focused ultrasound for neuromodulation in humans. 

  • Neuroscience News

The 2020 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration

This seminar, taking place from October 27-30, will provide a unique opportunity to learn about the NIH grants process, programs, and policies – straight from the experts.  

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

Upcoming October virtual events for BRAIN

The BRAIN community may be interested in several upcoming virtual events in October, including workshops, a town hall, and toolmaker series. Read this post to learn more about all of these exciting events.  

  • Neuroscience News

2020 NIH Director’s Awards Granted to Three BRAIN Initiative Scientists

The 2020 NIH Director’s Awards include three BRAIN Initiative scientists, who have received grants through the High-Risk, High-Reward Program, Pioneer Award, and New Innovator Award.

  • Neuroscience News