The BRAIN Blog

Latest from The BRAIN Blog

The BRAIN Blog covers updates and announcements on BRAIN Initiative research, events, and news. 

Hear from BRAIN Initiative trainees, learn about new scientific advancements, and find out about recent funding opportunities by visiting The BRAIN Blog.

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black and white image of people working on laptops at a counter height table on stools at the annual BRAIN meeting

Researcher spotlight: F32 recipient Dr. Alex Lesicko

Dr. Alex Lesicko is an F32 award recipient who used the funding opportunity to investigate auditory neuroscience. The F32 funding opportunity supports the research training of promising postdoctorates early in their postdoctoral training period.
  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding
  • Neuroscience News

Now open! 10th Annual BRAIN Initiative Conference symposia submissions

Share your science! Symposia submissions are now open for the hybrid 10th Annual BRAIN Initiative Conference scheduled for June 16-18, 2024, in Bethesda, MD. Be a part of discussions exploring the exciting scientific developments, new directions, and collaborations that have grown out of a decade of BRAIN.  

  • Neuroscience Research and Technology

Summary now available for BRAIN workshop on the ethics of sharing human brain data

A new detailed summary is available for a workshop held in July on the ethics of sharing human brain data, including recaps from panel presentations from researchers, ethicists, and research participants.

  • Neuroscience Research and Technology

Smart Health interagency solicitation is renewed with BRAIN Initiative participation

This interagency program solicitation by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health will support interdisciplinary high-risk/high-reward research to develop transformative advances for the biomedical and public health communities. 

  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

NIH BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network publishes new wave of momentous research results

New findings from the NIH BRAIN Cell Census Network (BICCN), an international collaborative, appear as 24 associated papers published in Science, Science Advances, and Science Translational Medicine.
  • Neuroscience News
  • Neuroscience Research and Technology

Deep brain stimulation shows potential for post-stroke rehabilitation and depression recovery

Two BRAIN-funded studies in small groups of individuals demonstrate inclusion of DBS in therapy may improve treatment. A third BRAIN-supported paper explores questions regarding posttrial needs of study participants living with neural implanted devices and highlights the importance of integrating a neuroethical strategy from the beginning of a research project.
  • Neuroscience News

August 2023 NIH BRAIN Initiative Neuroethics and Multi-Council Working Group Meetings

On August 28, 2023, the BRAIN Initiative Neuroethics Working Group (NEWG) held its 16th meeting. The NEWG is a group of experts in neuroethics and neuroscience that promotes the integration of neuroethics in NIH BRAIN Initiative activities.
  • Neuroscience News

Researcher spotlight: F32 recipient Dr. Linda Amarante

Dr. Linda Amarante is a current F32 award recipient who used the funding opportunity to better understand the corticostriatal pathway. The F32 funding opportunity supports the research training of promising postdoctorates early in their postdoctoral training period.
  • Neuroscience News
  • Neuroscience Research and Technology

Upcoming funding opportunity: BRAIN CONNECTS Data Coordinating Centers

The BRAIN Initiative recently issued a Notice of Intent to Publish (NOITP) to announce an upcoming funding opportunity for Data Coordinating Centers (DCCs) [NOT-NS-24-009] to support BRAIN Initiative Connectivity Across Scales (BRAIN CONNECTS).
  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding

NIH BRAIN Initiative awards new projects to develop innovative brain mapping technologies

The NIH BRAIN Initiative announces awards for a new large-scale project that aims to transform neuroscience research and enhance our understanding of the human brain by developing technologies to map neural connections.  
  • Neuroscience Grants and Funding
  • Neuroscience News
  • Neuroscience Research and Technology