Notices of Funding Opportunities

National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs), requests for applications (RFAs), program announcements (PAs), and other NIH Guide announcements are listed below. Search this page to find all notices of special interest (NOSI). Search the Closed Opportunities page to find expired opportunities.  

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To see more NIH-funded awards, please visit NIH Grants and Funding.

For more about NIH BRAIN Initiative research and associated funding opportunities, visit the Research Overview.

Release Date
Expiration Date
Funding Opportunity #
Soliciting Feedback on the BRAIN Initiative
January 01 , 2027
Soliciting Feedback the BRAIN Initiative Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-075 Key Dates Release Date: July 23, 2018 Response Date: November 15, 2018 Related Announcements NOT-NS-19-041 Issued National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose purpose this Request Information RFI) to solicit input how best accomplish ambitious vision the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies BRAIN) Initiative® set forth BRAIN 2025: Scientific Vision. NIH soliciting input all interested stakeholders, including members the scientific community, trainees, academic institutions, private sector, health professionals, professional societies, advocacy groups, patient communities, well other interested members the public. Background BRAIN Initiative aims develop new tools technologies understand manipulate networks cells the brain. BRAIN 2025: Scientific Vision serves the strategic plan the BRAIN Initiative NIH outlines overarching vision, seven high level scientific priorities, many specific goals. Designed be achieved over least decade, first five years BRAIN 2025 emphasizes development tools technology, the next five years shifts emphasis using tools make fundamental discoveries how brain circuits work what goes wrong disease. BRAIN Initiative well underway see ), we now approaching midpoint. this time, NIH seeking feedback the BRAIN Initiative's progress on opportunities moving forward given current state the science. NIH established new BRAIN Initiative Advisory Committee the NIH Director ACD) Working Group will provide scientific guidance the ACD how best continue accelerate ambitious vision the BRAIN Initiative. ACD-WG use responses this RFI, along information gathered through series public workshops, help inform discussions the BRAIN Initiative's progress potential updates the plan moving forward. Information Requested Please submit: Ideas new tools technologies have potential transform brain circuit research. Suggestions fundamental questions brain circuit function humans animal models could addressed new technologies. Considerations data sharing infrastructure policies. Areas topics research the ethical implications BRAIN Initiative-supported emerging neurotechnologies advancements their applications. Approaches disseminating new tools technologies well training broader neuroscience research community. Any topic relevant the strategic plan the BRAIN Initiative. to Submit Response assure consideration, responses must received November 15, 2018. Responses this RFI must submitted electronically using web-based form via email  BRAIN RFI" the subject line. Responses this RFI voluntary. Any personal identifiers be removed responses compiled.  Individual feedback not provided any responder. Proprietary, classified, confidential, sensitive information should be included your response. This Request Information RFI) for planning purposes only is a solicitation applications an obligation the part the United States U.S.) Government provide support any ideas identified response it. Please note the U.S. Government not pay the preparation any comment submitted for use that comment. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Email:
Notice of Clarification for Submission of Materials Related to Communications with FDA for RFA-NS-18-022 "BRAIN Initiative: Next-Generation Invasive Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (U44)"
January 01 , 2027
Notice Clarification Submission Materials Related Communications FDA RFA-NS-18-022 BRAIN Initiative: Next-Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System U44)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-066 Key Dates Release Date:   June 22, 2018 Related Announcements RFA-NS-18-022 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to clarify submission materials related Communications the FDA RFA-NS-18-022 BRAIN Initiative: Next-Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System U44 Clinical Trial Required)". current language reads   Section 4 Protocol Synopsis   4.6 the study an FDA-regulated intervention?   4.6.a. yes, describe availability Investigational Product IP) Investigational New Drug IND)/Investigational Device Exemption IDE) status:   Communications FDA: Large animal safety studies often required the FDA support IDE. Applicants should include large animal GLP safety study conducted the full-final device system using final manufacturing process intended support IDE. a large animal safety study not required the FDA an IDE, a test the full final system using final design manufacturing processes not required, applicants should include communication the FDA clearly stating is case the form a response a Pre-Submission. If studies proposed, ultimately needed, program staff work the investigators remove relevant milestones associated costs these activities the award   language been modified now reads:   Section 4 Protocol Synopsis   4.6 the study an FDA-regulated intervention?   4.6.a. yes, describe availability Investigational Product IP) Investigational New Drug IND)/Investigational Device Exemption IDE) status:   Communications FDA: Applicants should include minutes all pre-submission meetings, notice IDE, risk determination, email communications, other relevant documentation. material should only submitted section 4.6.a the application as post-submission material.   Large animal safety studies often required the FDA support IDE. Applicants should include large animal GLP safety study conducted the full-final device system using final manufacturing process intended support IDE. a large animal safety study not required the FDA an IDE, a test the full final system using final design manufacturing processes not required, applicants should include communication the FDA clearly stating is case the form a response a Pre-Submission. If studies proposed, ultimately needed, program staff work the investigators remove relevant milestones associated costs these activities the award. other aspects this FOA remain same. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Kari Ashmont, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1447 Email:   Stephanie Fertig, M.B.A. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1779 Email:   Nick Langhals, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1447 Email:
Notice of Clarification for Submission of Materials Related to Communications with FDA for RFA-NS-18-023 "BRAIN Initiative: Clinical Studies to Advance Next-Generation Invasive Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System"
January 01 , 2027
Notice Clarification Submission Materials Related Communications FDA RFA-NS-18-023 BRAIN Initiative: Clinical Studies Advance Next-Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System" Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-067 Key Dates Release Date:   June 22, 2018 Related Announcements RFA-NS-18-023 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to clarify submission materials related Communications the FDA RFA-NS-18-023 BRAIN Initiative: Clinical Studies Advance Next-Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System UH3 Clinical Trial Required)". current language reads   Section 4 Protocol Synopsis   4.6 the study an FDA-regulated intervention?   4.6.a. yes, describe availability Investigational Product IP) Investigational New Drug IND)/Investigational Device Exemption IDE) status:   Communications FDA: Large animal safety studies often required the FDA support IDE. Applicants should include large animal GLP safety study conducted the full-final device system using final manufacturing process intended support IDE. a large animal safety study not required the FDA an IDE, a test the full final system using final design manufacturing processes not required, applicants should include communication the FDA clearly stating is case the form a response a Pre-Submission. If studies proposed, ultimately needed, program staff work the investigators remove relevant milestones associated costs these activities the award   language been modified now reads:   Section 4 Protocol Synopsis   4.6 the study an FDA-regulated intervention?   4.6.a. yes, describe availability Investigational Product IP) Investigational New Drug IND)/Investigational Device Exemption IDE) status:   Communications FDA: Applicants should include minutes all pre-submission meetings, notice IDE, risk determination, email communications, other relevant documentation. material should only submitted section 4.6.a the application as post-submission material.   Large animal safety studies often required the FDA support IDE. Applicants should include large animal GLP safety study conducted the full-final device system using final manufacturing process intended support IDE. a large animal safety study not required the FDA an IDE, a test the full final system using final design manufacturing processes not required, applicants should include communication the FDA clearly stating is case the form a response a Pre-Submission. If studies proposed, ultimately needed, program staff work the investigators remove relevant milestones associated costs these activities the award. other aspects this FOA remain same.   Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Kari Ashmont, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1447 Email: Nick Langhals, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1447 Email:
Notice of Clarification for Submission of Materials Related to Communications with FDA for RFA-NS-18-021 "BRAIN Initiative: Next-Generation Invasive Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (UG3/UH3)"
January 01 , 2027
Notice Clarification Submission Materials Related Communications FDA RFA-NS-18-021 BRAIN Initiative: Next-Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System UG3/UH3)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-065 Key Dates Release Date:   June 22, 2018 Related Announcements RFA-NS-18-021 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to clarify submission materials related Communications the FDA RFA-NS-18-021 BRAIN Initiative:  Next-Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required)". current language reads   Section 4 Protocol Synopsis   4.6 the study an FDA-regulated intervention?   4.6.a. yes, describe availability Investigational Product IP) Investigational New Drug IND)/Investigational Device Exemption IDE) status:   Communications FDA: Large animal safety studies often required the FDA support IDE. Applicants should include large animal GLP safety study conducted the full-final device system using final manufacturing process intended support IDE. a large animal safety study not required the FDA an IDE, a test the full final system using final design manufacturing processes not required, applicants should include communication the FDA clearly stating is case the form a response a Pre-Submission. If studies proposed, ultimately needed, program staff work the investigators remove relevant milestones associated costs these activities the award   language been modified now reads:   Section 4 Protocol Synopsis   4.6 the study an FDA-regulated intervention?   4.6.a. yes, describe availability Investigational Product IP) Investigational New Drug IND)/Investigational Device Exemption IDE) status:   Communications FDA: Applicants should include minutes all pre-submission meetings, notice IDE, risk determination, email communications, other relevant documentation. material should only submitted section 4.6.a the application as post-submission material.   Large animal safety studies often required the FDA support IDE. Applicants should include large animal GLP safety study conducted the full-final device system using final manufacturing process intended support IDE. a large animal safety study not required the FDA an IDE, a test the full final system using final design manufacturing processes not required, applicants should include communication the FDA clearly stating is case the form a response a Pre-Submission. If studies proposed, ultimately needed, program staff work the investigators remove relevant milestones associated costs these activities the award. other aspects this FOA remain same. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Kari Ashmont, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1447 Email:   Nick Langhals, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1447 Email:
Notice of Correction to Key Dates in RFA-NS-18-029 "BRAIN Initiative: Exploratory Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs - eTeamBCP (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
January 01 , 2027
Notice Correction Key Dates RFA-NS-18-029 BRAIN Initiative: Exploratory Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs - eTeamBCP U01 Clinical Trial Allowed) Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-070 Key Dates Release Date: 23, 2018 Related Announcements RFA-NS-18-029 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this notice to inform interested applicants a correction the Key Dates RFA-NS-18-029 BRAIN Initiative: Exploratory Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs - eTeamBCP U01 Clinical Trial Allowed)".  Specifically, Advisory Council Review dates January 2019 and January 2020 and Earliest Start Dates February 2019 and February 2020. Part 1. Overview Information Key Dates Currently Reads: Advisory Council Review January 2019 Earliest Start Date February 2019 Modified Read: Advisory Council Review January 2019 and January 2020 Earliest Start Date February 2019 and February 2020 other aspects this FOA remain same. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: James Gnadt, PhD  National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS)  Telephone: 301-496-9964  Email:
Notice of Support for Administrative Supplements to Embed Ethicists into BRAIN Initiative Supported Research
January 01 , 2027
Notice Support Administrative Supplements Embed Ethicists BRAIN Initiative Supported Research Notice Number: NOT-MH-18-034 Key Dates Release Date: 01, 2018 Related Announcements None Issued National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies BRAIN) Initiative aimed revolutionizing neuroscience through development application innovative technologies map neural circuits, monitor modulate activity, understand they contribute thoughts, sensations, emotions behavior. NIH issued variety Funding Opportunity Announcements FOAs) will support projects apply technologies understand neural circuit function the context specific circuits, resulting a diverse portfolio research the fundamental biology nervous system function.  purpose this announcement to notify research community NIH encouraging applications to PA-18-591 to integrate neuroethics perspectives approaches existing BRAIN Initiative awards. Supplement applications encouraged ongoing BRAIN Initiative projects can readily incorporate core ethical issues associated research focused the human brain resulting emerging technologies advancements research development supported the BRAIN Initiative. intent that efforts supported through administrative supplement be both complimentary integrative the transformative, breakthrough neuroscience discoveries supported through BRAIN Initiative.   an administrative supplement, work proposed needs be within scope the research is already supported. Research proposed supplement applications should clear relevance the BRAIN Initiative. proposed work cover pilot projects, resource development, personnel costs embedding neuroethics the research project. each case, work proposed should feasible complete within one-year timeframe with limited funds permitted. should also show promise becoming more substantial project might attract additional funding. Investigators should submit applications responses the parent active administrative supplement announcement using electronic submission. Electronic applications strongly encouraged.. Individual requests be more 100,000 direct costs exclusive Facilities Administrative costs sub-contracts may for year only. Requests must received June 15 funding FY 2018. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: James Churchill National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Telephone: 301-443-3621 Email: 
Notice of NINDS BRG, BRP, Translational Neural Devices, BRAIN Initiative: Next Generation Invasive Devices Recording, Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System, and Smart & Connected Health Program Applications Directed at the Treatment of Pain
January 01 , 2027
Notice NINDS BRG, BRP, Translational Neural Devices, BRAIN Initiative: Next Generation Invasive Devices Recording, Modulation the Human Central Nervous System, Smart & Connected Health Program Applications Directed the Treatment Pain Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-052 Key Dates Release Date: March 27, 2018 Related Announcements PAR-18-206 PAR-18-208 RFA-NS-18-011 RFA-NS-18-012 RFA-NS-18-021 RFA-NS-18-022 RFA-NS-18-023 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to inform potential applicants the National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Bioengineering Research Grants BRG), Bioengineering Research Partnerships BRP), Translational Neural Devices, BRAIN Initiative: Next Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System, Smart Connected Health Funding Opportunity Announcements an area special interest.  NINDS like accelerate development devices the treatment pain. Investigators strongly encouraged contact appropriate Program Director prior submitting application. Applications be submitted to: PAR-18-206 (BRG), PAR-18-208 (BRP), RFA-NS-18-011 (Translational Neural Devices), RFA-NS-18-012 (Translational Neural Devices - SBIR), RFA-NS-18-021 (BRAIN Initiative), RFA-NS-18-022 (BRAIN Initiative), RFA-NS-18-023 (BRAIN Initiative - SBIR), and NSF-18-541 (Smart Connected Health).      Within BRG BRP programs, NINDS particularly interested bioengineering research advances technologies the potential decrease burden neurological disorders stroke, including pain. Examples areas interest include development validation invasive non-invasive devices, diagnostic/monitoring tools, advanced imaging techniques, computational models, tissue engineering, other innovative methods.   Translational Neural Devices program interested receiving applications translational studies devices treat pain. Translational Neural Devices supports translational activities small clinical studies advance development invasive non-invasive therapeutic, diagnostic devices disorders affect nervous neuromuscular systems. Program activities, including translational bench animal studies, expected lead submission an Investigational Device Exemption IDE) the U.S. Food Drug Administration FDA) Institutional Review Board IRB) application a Non-Significant Risk NSR) study. program also support subsequent small clinical trial collect safety effectiveness data required support marketing application to inform final device design.   BRAIN Initiative: Next Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System program supports translational and/or clinical studies invasive recording and/or stimulating devices treat nervous system disorders, including support the submission an Investigational Device Exemption IDE) a Significant Risk SR) study obtain Institutional Review Board IRB) approval a Non-Significant Risk NSR) study, and/or small clinical trial e.g., Early Feasibility Study). small clinical trial should provide data answer key questions the function final design a device. This final device design require most, not all, the non-clinical testing the path more advanced clinical trials market approval. BRAIN Initiative includes both brain spinal cord this program like encourage translational clinical projects invasive recording and/or stimulating devices treat pain.    Smart Connected Health program an interagency program between Institutes Centers the National Institutes Health NIH) the National Science Foundation NSF) supporting development technologies, analytics models supporting next generation health medical research through high-risk, high-reward advances computer information science, engineering technology, behavior, cognition, robotics imaging. NINDS interested applications next-generation multidisciplinary science encourages research pain a variety areas value health, such networking, pervasive computing, advanced analytics, sensor integration, privacy security, modeling socio-behavioral cognitive processes system process modeling. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Nick Langhals, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1447 Email: Stephanie Fertig, M.B.A. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-1779 Email: Michael Oshinsky, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-9964 Email:
Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00)
January 01 , 2027
Notice Intent Publish Funding Opportunity Announcement BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award Promote Diversity K99/R00) Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-041 Key Dates Release Date: March 21, 2018 Estimated Publication Date Funding Opportunity Announcement: 04/12/2018 First Estimated Application Due Date: 06/12/2018 Earliest Estimated Award Date: 04/01/2019 Earliest Estimated Start Date: 04/30/2019 Related Announcements None Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose NINDS, other NIH Institutes Centers participating the BRAIN Initiative, intends publish BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award Promote Diversity K99/R00)."   program designed increase biomedical research workforce diversity foster strong cohort new, highly skilled well trained, NIH-supported, independent investigators diverse backgrounds including nationally underrepresented groups) working research areas supported the BRAIN Initiative, highlighted in BRAIN 2025: Scientific Vision. is designed facilitate timely transition outstanding postdoctoral researchers a research and/or clinical doctorate degree mentored, postdoctoral research positions independent, tenure-track equivalent faculty positions. Notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time develop meaningful mentoring teams responsive projects. FOA expected be published April 2018 an expected application due date June 2018.  FOA utilize K99/R00 funding activity. Details the planned FOA provided below. Research Initiative Details BRAIN Initiative K99/R00 award intended individuals diverse backgrounds including nationally underrepresented groups) are working research areas supported the BRAIN Initiative, have more five years postdoctoral research experience, who require least 12 months mentored research training career development K99 phase) before transitioning the independent research R00) phase the program.   All research areas within the BRAIN Initiative are encouraged including not limited engineering, computer science, statistics, mathematics, physics, chemistry neuroethics). Eligible individuals this program be U.S. citizens permanent residents fall one the categories defined the Notice NIH's Interest Diversity. Women been shown be underrepresented doctorate-granting research institutions senior faculty levels most biomedical-relevant disciplines the National Science Foundation and the purposes this funding opportunity announcement be considered eligible candidates this diversity program. Funding Information Estimated Total Funding   Expected Number Awards   Estimated Award Ceiling   Primary CFDA Numbers TBD Anticipated Eligible Organizations Public/State Controlled Institution Higher Education Private Institution Higher Education Nonprofit 501(c)(3) IRS Status than Institution Higher Education) Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status than Institution Higher Education) Small Business For-Profit Organization than Small Business) State Government Indian/Native American Tribal Government Federally Recognized) County governments City township governments Special district governments Independent school districts Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities Indian/Native American Tribally Designated Organization Native American tribal organizations than Federally recognized tribal governments) U.S. Territory Possession Indian/Native American Tribal Government than Federally Recognized) Regional Organization  Applications not being solicited this time. nbsp; Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Michelle Jones-London, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) 301-451-7966 nbsp;
Notice of Change to Receipt Dates on BRAIN Initiative: Theories, Models and Methods for Analysis of Complex Data from the Brain (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
January 01 , 2027
Notice Change Receipt Dates BRAIN Initiative: Theories, Models Methods Analysis Complex Data the Brain R01 Clinical Trial Allowed) Notice Number: NOT-EB-18-005 Key Dates Release Date: February 07, 2018 Related Announcements RFA-EB-17-005 Issued National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose purpose this Notice to change Application Due Dates BRAIN Initiative:  Theories, Models Methods Analysis Complex Data the Brain R01 Clinical Trial Allowed) RFA-EB-17-005) Currently reads: Application Due Date(s): December 15, 2017; October 17, 2018; October 17, 2019 Revised read: Application Due Dates(s): December 15, 2017; September 4, 2018; September 3, 2019 Currently reads: Scientific Merit Review: 2018, March 2019, March 2020 Revised read: Scientific Merit Review: 2018, February 2019, February 2020 Currently reads: Advisory Council Review: August 2018, August 2019, August 2020 Revised read: Advisory Council Review: August 2018, 2019, 2020 Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Grace C.Y. Peng, PhD National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Telephone: 301-451-4778 Email:
BRAIN Initiative: Notice of Support for Research on the Fundamental Neurobiology of Pain Processing
January 01 , 2027

BRAIN Initiative: Notice Support Research the Fundamental Neurobiology Pain Processing Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-008 Key Dates Release Date: September 12, 2017 Related Announcements None Issued National Institutes Health NIH) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies BRAIN) Initiative aimed revolutionizing neuroscience through development application innovative technologies map neural circuits, monitor modulate activity, understand they contribute thoughts, sensations, emotions behavior.  NIH issued variety Funding Opportunity Announcements FOAs) will support projects apply technologies understand neural circuit function the context specific circuits, resulting a diverse portfolio research the fundamental biology nervous system function.  purpose this announcement to notify research community NIH welcomes BRAIN Initiative applications targeting central nervous system nociceptive pain circuits, appropriate the goals requirements specific BRAIN Initiative FOAs.  Pain conditions represent important public health problem NIH continues support research pain pathologies through normal Institute Center appropriations. However, pain nociception also components normal nervous system function, the BRAIN Initiative committed understanding pain circuits along brain circuits underlying sensory, motor, cognitive emotional functions.  is expected the unique opportunities the BRAIN Initiative enable production detailed maps pain circuits, the adoption powerful new tools monitoring modulating pain circuit activity, leading significant advances the understanding pain nociception. a list past open BRAIN Initiative FOAs.  information goals requirements specific BRAIN FOAs, contact Scientific/Program staff listed the text the respective announcements.  Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: James Gnadt, PhD  National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS)  Telephone: 301-496-9964  Email: BRAINCircuits@NIH.GOV   

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